JamesXXXYZ's Forum Posts

  • Tekniko

    You write tutorials. I have some problems with isometric projection. I wrote these problems here: (General/about isometric)

    Can you please check it out and make tutorials?

    One problem of pathfinding is that i can't reduce the time.

  • Event: Every 0.25 sec simulate m pressing = automatic mirror update (only activ when user is activ).

  • Aurel Ashley Tom

    Why GameMaker and Fusion 2.5 show steam games created by them and construct 2 not? Quality games like the next penelope could have a Logo created with C2.

  • Your game is unfair.

    randomized bullets different click frequenzy.

    Why you use 4 colors? 3 are not enough?

    Why you use not left (forward) and right (backward) mousebuttons to change.

    If i could use keyboard with 4 keys for each color in combination with mouse your game wouldn't be a challenge.

    Your only game challenge is your controls. Sry.

  • volkiller730

    Work on your controls

    Something with verical planes for touchscreen

    Example you can find here:

  • ping pong ai


    I think with this capx you could create player against computer mode. Maybe it is possible to influence the ping pong ai.

  • Gamepad: Vehicle

    Right Shoulder button: Fire

    Left shoulder button: drops bombs

    Right Shoulder trigger: Jump

    left shoulder trigger: cannon up.

    exit: a

    And thx that you have no description for Gamepad. Everything i have to find out.

    Right and left Shoulder buttons are above the triggers

    I don't know why you don't use these.

  • Your glider can move backwards? Sometimes both steering are on. Insert an icon like the pause Symbol to open and close the map. I don't like to touch the Glieder everytime. When the ship collide with walls or exit level screen should shake. With only two steer engines in the front it doesn't work to rotate the ship. You need two behind. Left Front and right behind. Right Front left behind. Watch how the spaceships in star citicen steer!

  • Your color and contrast setting looks like that everything is in the distance compare to Super Ubi Land.


    An other example or just for fun:

    https://m.youtube.com/results?q=dumps%2 ... 20die&sm=1

    Your tutorial text should disappear on any touch on the screen. There is no reason why i have to touch "x". I can collide with the shields again.

  • ryanrybot

    Gamepad is no problem, but your button layout is not good. I don't like 360 gamepad. I bought it for game development.

  • Controls are terrible.

    Attention Z and Y. My keyboard has an other layout. Choose keycontrols which fits to every layout.

    Gamepad controls you should overwork too.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Don't use "vertical planes" controls, use my other solution. Complete right half is a jump "button" and left half you can see a slider. People could slide this line. They decide self how big are the vertical planes controls for left and right.


    Your coins layer (?) should be behind the player layer.

    Double jump for Toby? He jumps so slow and to high. I only played Toby so i don't know if an other character has this feature.

    Snail jump. When Toby jump on a snail the first time you could turn off the collision detection of the snail for a while. Toby lands then in front of the snail. Snail has knockout stars or something like that, after a while you turn on the collision detection of the snail again. If Tobey is on collision or overlap the snail he loses a life.

  • dhoeke

    Before Firefox was updated, my steamversion was updated that's why it could be the c2 update too. You tried to upload something and checked it out with Firefox?

  • can you please explain how to do startable html file on googledrive with example (upload i know)?

  • Iolva

    1. When Toby jumps while overlapping the tutorial shield, everytime the tutorial text appear. To avoid this it is better that Toby has to left this short area and if the player wants he could collide with this shield again, bevor he walks away.

    Why you don't store every tutorial text, when touching this shield the first time. So i can everytime read these tutorials? I don't know how many tutorials you have.

    2. Jumping on snales: snales are like trampolines is this really gameplayelement? Without touching controls he jumps and jumps and jumps over again.


    Your touchcontrols could be better.

    When a enemy is on the ground i can't see it because of my thumbs


    When the touchfield are vertical planes i can choose where i wanna touch it and it is more comfortable.