JamesXXXYZ's Forum Posts

  • Play it here: http://jamesxxxyz.newgrounds.com/

    [Attention! Maybe game doesn't run on Firefox].

    [attachment=0:314lip33]Collect Icon.png[/attachment:314lip33]

    Collect green ones, don't collide with red.

    Game over = time out or/and hitcounter reached limit.

    Max. lifetime of balls:

    blue ones 10 sec.

    red ones 20 sec.

    Collect blue:

    Score with unlimited combo multiplayer (combo ends when time (3 seconds) run out without collecting blue or/and glider collide with red).

    Add 3 seconds to timer (limit 60)

    Add 2 to Energie (limit 100)

    You can't collect blue ones when shield is activ.

    Normal Mode:

    Everytime you collect a blue one firerate of the turret increase (FRI).

    Hitcounter: 10

    Survival Mode Extreme:

    Firerate of the turret is on highest speed.

    Hitcounter: 100

    Game Start:


    space = normal mode

    shift = survival mode extreme


    a = normal mode

    x = survival mode extreme


    Game Controls:


    tabulator key = Game over

    no energie required:

    left arrow = left

    right arrow = right

    a = strafe left

    d = strafe right

    energie required:

    up arrow = speedup

    down arrow = slowdown

    w = shield

    space = bullet slowdown


    y = Game over

    no energie required:

    right stick = steer left/right

    left stick = strafe left/right

    energie required:

    right shoulder trigger = speedup

    left shoulder trigger = slowdown

    right shoulder button = shield

    left shoulder button = bullet slowdown

    Offical mode (Colorblind Mode)


    Normal mode


    Survival mode extrem


  • Me too, but i don't have any WebGl effects (Since the last steam update)!

  • I can left the screen (no way back to the game). Particle effects should be below the car and not spread out from the middle or?

  • Somebody

    If your stuffgen offers parts of your artwork, i would try it out immetaly. Maybe i try your next version.

  • What is about mirror parts with C2 function (animation mirror)? parts are created in 3D? How difficult is it for you to update these when you work with stuffgen?

  • Your name (YouTube) sounds not german

    Which 3D program you use?

    Is it possible to create a music app with sequencer because of the off-sync (regular)?

  • Cool game concept. I don't wanna play it.

  • When ship is destroyed i can hear firesound by pressing the firebutton.

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  • Your artwork looks good but i miss more between animations.

  • Neues not Neue

    Bestes not Beste


  • It's both logic and creativ. You can't scale logic with IQ. IQ is only a test. Analyzing and mixing is really important for me.

  • Tokinsom

    "Very cool. Looks like it's mixing elements from both classic Megaman and Megaman X. Looking forward to it! (The name is a bit of a turn off though, honestly)"

    For me it sounded like you saw it the first time

    You did a prototype with metroid zm. Is copy girl one oft the results?

  • zenox98


  • UnixRoot

    You work with Q3D? Looks good.

  • Improve your camera setting. First level when the platform goes down the camera should be better. I have to guess when i have to jump. When i miss the second platform i can't call it back.