Jabutosama's Forum Posts

  • i have broblem on my rgp-like game.

    when i put item to my inventory and when i start to "use" it, inventory wont close and player cannot move! <img src="smileys/smiley11.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    i know, this is impossiple to fix if i tell everything like this, but if you know how to send game file, i can send it to you and you can see what's the matter.

    thank you <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • thank you.

    i'm happy that you helped me so quickly! :D

  • i need event that gives specific text by number of points player has. Like prefix.

    what i tried=

    points=1-10 -> set text "n00b"

    of course it was "one minus ten"

    in maths it's something like =0...10 but in constructor, that seems to not work.

    so how do i do that?

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  • okei (huokaus) kirjoitan nyt suomeksi;

    kun (kiinte�) �rkki seuraa sinua, se voi menn� kiinteiden kappaleiden l�pi. wtf?

  • Thanx!

    But the core thing is not fixed yet! Orcs can still freely move across solid objects, even though themselves are solid objects.

    I have no idea how to fix this.

  • Naturally i speak Finnish. (ta-da-daah)

    i tell cleary that again.

    orc spawn his line-of-sight, like bullet, every tick. those disappear after certain distance moved.

    If player overlaps that line-of-sight-bullet, orcs change their angles to player's direction, and they start moving. this means that orcs move to your direction, seeking you.

    orcs move faster if they have "seen" you more. They stop seeking you if they dont see you within a certain period of time.

    there is also small broblem, ALL orcs in the level will notice player, if one does. this means they all start moving, if they notice you... <img src="smileys/smiley5.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    so, if orcs start to seek you, they can overlap each other if they suddenly move into same point!

  • I haven used Constructor two moths actively, and i have started making simple & small RPG-like game. No-turn based, my skill isn't enough for that. (yet?)

    Anyway, when i made my version of line of sight to orc. As I dont have perfect english, i didn't uderstand articel about "line of sight" well, i tried to make my own version.

    Shortly My Line Of Sight:

    Every tick -> orc spawn lineOfSight

    Orb -> is overlapping player

    add 1 to orc.seesplayer

    Seesplayer 1 or more ->

    change axis to Player

    move orc by (orc.seesplayer/10)

    Every 0.5 second & orc.seesplayer 1 or more ->

    remove 1 orc.seesplayer

    and also logic that lineOfSight is destroyed when it's overlapping wall.

    The Broblem Itself

    all orcs have behavior "solid", but in this mechanism, if they see me, they can overlap each other! what can i do to fix that?

  • I see constructor as easier game maker than rpg maker... but this is only my opinion. <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Anyway i have project on now constructor, as rpg game like WoW or Diablo, as "no-turn-based" battle and other. But as always on constructor, 2D.

    I dont see RPG.s as so difficult, i made 30% of base logics in two or three hours,(damage, critical change, weapon logic, etc) which is pretty small time, you-know. I thought also <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> when i haven't seen any even close rpg-styled stuff on arcade.