Jabutosama's Forum Posts

  • Thank you by both of your messages. You helped & taught me so much

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  • hmm... it says that it needs C2 r169, but newest download i find is r168.... would you be nice and put link to r169 download :3?

  • I have object (inventory) which moves into my player-object when inventory is "open." It should be directly on top of player, but it moves too fast if player runs off from exact area.

    Also Inventory won't show when it should to.

    Events are:


    [Is GuiOpen] = Inventory: Set Visible

    _____________= Inventory: Set position to Player (image point 0)

    [X is GuiOpen] = Inventory: Set Invisible

    [Is GuiOpen]

    [On E pressed] = Set GuiOpen false

    [X Is GuiOpen]

    [On E pressed] = Set GuiOpen true


    for more information, here is dropbox link:


    Can someone fix this?

  • Oh, thank you! I was wondering that it saves ALL layouts...

    You helped me a lot.

  • I have rpg. I have event that it changes it's layout to 'battle' -layout.

    After player finishes the match, layout changes back to world-layout. How i can make that world-layout will be saved before battles? But ONLY that layout?

  • They seems to be useful. Thank you!

  • I have player with 10 inventory slot variables, like "Items1", "Items2", "Items3".... "Items10".

    How i can made event, that adds new item (gives value to item variable) to ANY EMPTY item variable, when overlapping item.

  • Thank you! You helped my job a lot. I'll keep watching your game.

  • Read these before posting anything, okay? I explain some things that make this simple.

      1# For help making game itself, you must have Constructor 2 personal license. Free edition is not enough for this. 2# Anyone can give ideas. Story i write down here is just raw version, it can be edited. I do not continue story here, if many people have interested in this idea, i will make own webpage for story and progress. Game mechanism is different, tough... I won't like to change it, but i can edit it, if idea really is good. 3# If you help me, i'll remember you. At least your name. More you help, bigger piece of cake you may earn. If you just help by... like giving good name etc, i'll just put your name somewhere. Just crumb from the cake. 4# This is RPG!!! If you don't know, what RPG is, google it, seek information, and when you know, come back. Or not. Anyway, this is 100% RPG-game, like Final Fantasy. (and Mother-series. You maybe know name "Earthbound" better than Mother. It's just awesome game) 5# Game style and "Idea": This is probably what you were seeking for. Idea i had was to make different game. Different RPG. For example, if you see a fire monster, "WOAH, IT'S MAYBE FIRE!!! I'M GENIOUS!!!"- effect will trigger in your brain. And as well as enemies that you will know with one sight as enemies. I'll make difference. Enemies are made by throwing dice and using imagination to make (surrealistic?) monsters. This gives some sneak&find-out-experiment to game. How many RPG's are like this? 6# No Skype, please. I don't have good English speak and i talk like... nah, you understand. I'm able to chat. Don't forget time! My greenwich time is +2, is i live in Finland. So, for example deals with Americans would be difficult... anyway. We can still do something. 7# Ca$h? Nope. I will note give nor earn any money by this. Expect if game becomes soooo good that it's added to steam.... Then, money will be shared.

    ========================STORY TILL NOW=====================

    Knight of pixel world have just finished his adventure. He have rescued the princess after long battle. But then, suddenly strange noises start to sound and black swirl appears to sky. It grows and grows... until there is no ground under princess neither knight! They both fall and fall into darkness, to different directions. Knight tries to do something, but he starts to glitch! His hand takes painful-looking shape. He won't even realize it before his leg starts also act like maniac. Then entire body starts to glitch... screen goes black....

    When knight awakes, he looks to be in strange world. As more strange, he have become living poppy! His new adventure is to find that what makes worlds glitch and why...

    //story ends//

    So. Ideas? Gamemaker helps? I'll tell more about game mechanics, if anyone are interested in.

  • Hi!

    I'm normal highschool student from Finland, age 15. My English isn't perfect, this post is best i'm able to do. (and i also use a lot of time to make post, to it may sound... ehm... look good.)

    I like all kinds of games, all way through shootary games, like TF2 and Half-life to puzzle games like Antichamber and Portal to Rpg-games like Earthbound and Elder scrolls.

    I like games with simple idea and, well-design world and logics, but with a lot of stuff to see, explore and treasures to seek. Just like Earthbound and Elder scrolls.

    --Action games work differently. If there is possibility of pay-to-win, i don't like that game. Or game, where is unbalanced resources and weapons, like CoD does. It's simply not fair that only some can pay for bigger guns, and be the best, meanwhile others can't pay and loses because of that. Games like TF2 are for me; nine different classes, all balanced weapons and stats. Everybody have it's own chance and place to win, if you use your brain a bit.

    I have always wanted to make games. When i was 5, my PS2, i designed a lot of Hugo games. You know, those were only for PS1 & 2 and i remember them as hard as hell.

    Construct 2 is message from heaven to me. It's all i have ever wanted, under my eyes. But tragic still happened. I have no longer so creative ideas to games, i try getting inspiration from exiting games and by reading books.

    That's all i have to tell you.

  • ah, almost un-fixable. i must make different objects, or even new game. thanks still for reply

  • My game have one very annoying glitch. Solid objects go slightly inside each other, including player.


    https://www.dropbox.com/s/asn9mjov4kpbt ... _game.capx

    I have no idea how fix it. It appears randomly at random games.

  • thank you.

  • i need explanation for how next event should work:

    There is gauge, with dipstick on middle on it, like car's speedometer. Well, this won't work like car one's.

    I need event/fuction/etc, that makes on click dipstick go full 360 degrees spin in X seconds, where X is variable i want.

    For example, like if X is 1, dipstick goes full 360 degrees spin in one second.

  • Title says everything. I want to make pixelated things, so i need to use small objects to avoid shading edges of objects. But they are usually too small, so i want bigger zoom % into game.