I noticed that when the game is in "filled" mode the game is not centered correctly. See this image for an example.
Also, is it possible for the letterboxing to be pure black instead of a dark grey? I Think the dark grey comes from the ui-dark.css file, correct? Oh, and one last question. :) Is it safe to use the latest beta release (r105) with this plugin or do you recommend r104?
Many thanks,
1. For the background color, yes it is getting the dark grey from ui-dark.css. A quick and dirty way to override is to add a style to the body tag in your index.html file:
<body style="background-color:rgb(0,0,0)">
2. For the incorrect centering, I will fix it in an update for the plugin shortly. But here is the simple fix: you will have to reorder the divs "fs" and "c2canvasdiv" in index.html so that it looks like this below:
<div id="c2canvasdiv">
<!-- The canvas must be inside a div called c2canvasdiv -->
<div id="fs" class="grid-item">
3. r105 is working fine.