istavang's Forum Posts

  • I got the camera to work! Sort of, though you have to use arrow keys to look around. I would prefer mouse movement look around, but here you all go! First person view look around. I'll see what I can do for mouse look around also. ... 1fUWtfSW8/

    Please upload your capx

    allso encourage all to do so for time saving learning and help to benefit all members <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

  • Dancer is a special .ogg and .wav file player, featuring a dancing puppet.

    This fun app is part of (or example to) a tutorial I want to post soon, about the lesser known or used ACEs of the XAudio2 object, mainly Peak and RMS.

    Play around with Dancer, it really makes fun!

    The puppet has no premade animations or anything else premade. It simply reacts to Peak and RMS in various combinations!

    F1 toggles a context help.

    If you don't have some .ogg music at hand, here is one of my own songs. Please don't use it in any way other than listening to: ... of_you.ogg

    There are some sources for .ogg music, e.g.

    And you could convert some of your mp3's to ogg. Audacity does a good job.

    Download Dancer: ... Dancer.rar

    EDIT: Just wanted to mention that the level meter are absolutely professional in resolution and display, including dynamic range meter...tulamide2011-07-25 10:30:13

    do u have time to possibly convert this to capx ?

  • Just picked this sucker up yester and I'm having a blast . Kinda reminded me of my old CC3d days, but without the tear inducing calculations and cries of "why won't you rotate correctly?!". So far I've managed to make something of a very simple 3D platformer, and I plan on seeing just how far I can go with just what's available right now, although I'm quite excited for what's coming up.

    BTW, to everyone fiddling with camera stuff. TiAm's MouseLock Plugin might prove handy if you haven't already gotten it

    encourage all users to upload there capx working mockUps progress are welcome in here for faster learning from and to benefit for everyone , comming soon with one myself .

    thanks and lets have fun

  • I got the camera to work! Sort of, though you have to use arrow keys to look around. I would prefer mouse movement look around, but here you all go! First person view look around. I'll see what I can do for mouse look around also. ... 1fUWtfSW8/

    make a big bg arrowkey (rex sprite to arrowkey plugin) over hole layout then u can drag around with mouse or touch

  • The only thing you have to do is check the "export UVs" option and it should all work out when exporting to .obj

    if you want to know how to UV map things within blender, you should try looking up some blender tutorials

    ok ... is there an converter from blender file.blend to json tree .js file u know of ?

  • First steps into a fps inside Q3D, still need lots of stuff added, its VERY limited right now ill mess around and see what I can get done with the little info we got now.

    Still needs:

    Freely move camera

    Fire bullets

    Freely move walking/ running

    Enemies spawn

    Shoot at and kill enemies

    Possibly some form of enemy AI? ... lpdy1qcDg/

    can modfy some code and the use drag and drop plugin

    combinding plugins with like pin to imagepoint to pinhandler and sprite to arrowkey move drag up down right left , pinning to 8 directions and pathfinding the posibleties are endless ,

    gun pin to q3D or pinhandler or set position to invisible imagepoint pinhandler

    using creative try and fail ..

  • >

    > Also, how can I use multiple textures on an object? For example, most buildings and people have textures for certain aspects of the model



    Texturing should be done at the mesh level, with UV's exported as part of the .obj file. That's the way I did it in the tiny tank demo, and the way it should be done for any game. A single .obj mesh can be comprised of many geometric primitives, all sharing the same texture.

    You need to UV unwrap your mesh, then create a texture which contains any graphics you want (all in the same image), then map the individual polygons to the respective areas on the texture map. This can be done in most 3D programs. (I recommend blender, it's free) Alternatively, you can create multi-part objects on the Q3D level (instead of the mesh level), which each have their own materials. This isn't optimal though (and should not be done in any real game): it's highly recommended to bake as much geometry as you can into single meshes, to have minimal separate objects on the Q3D level, to minimize cpu bottlenecking.

    doese it handle .bvh files animations

    is there a special way to export this obj whit UV in blender , any quick how to do so

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  • as istavang said, the steps are:

    • Set the save options in Spriter (You only have to do this once. The settings will be saved for future projects)
    • Save both an scml and a scon file
    • Drag either file into the layout in C2
    • Preview the layout

    Also, just a heads up istavang, you no longer need to change the extension to *.scon, the plugin will do this automatically now at runtime

    using spriter to make complete animations i verry time consuming ,using demo as startpoint is fine and doing custum adjustments for speciall needs its ok .. so shipping demo animations as greyman and embeded packages as being done when bought its genialt to save time we do not have 2 much of, capx useing demos is allso good for more sales and more users and use's , 3d coins is awsome , more 3D (2.5D) examles is may a demand soon no as we enter in to the new 3d plugin ,

    sprites poseing ,animating in 8 direction could be cool

    and making and selling smaller animation snippets for eg 15 usd may be worth the prize to save time a tip


    could u share the preview basic animpack capx for those who have bought Spriter , or set it for sale to us who has bought the spriter pro ? would be a big help and timesave for me

  • as istavang said, the steps are:

    • Set the save options in Spriter (You only have to do this once. The settings will be saved for future projects)
    • Save both an scml and a scon file
    • Drag either file into the layout in C2
    • Preview the layout

    Also, just a heads up istavang, you no longer need to change the extension to *.scon, the plugin will do this automatically now at runtime

    oh ok thanks for info

  • Am I the only one who is getting 60fps?

    I am using the latest Chrome + Nvidia GTX 660

    no 60 fps all the time here gtx 670

  • istavang thanks, your link is help.

    But now I have next trouble. I can't see my character. I see him in editor, but when I run layout I don't see him.

    But example "Grey Guy" work well, Maybe I was miss somethink in spriter? I know about custom save options and use all of them.

    link up ur capx , il fix

    its important to

    1 Change your settings in "Spriter" under files : other file actions : "custum save options" and check them all On,

    2 Then save and make 2 files ,1 in player.scml and then again 1save as player.scon , u may need to type the .ext ".scon" manualy on some rigs

    3 Then u go to files in that folder , then u drag the "player.scml" file over to ur layout and save the eventsheet

    4 Then u highlight ur scml eg. player.scml file (and may move the this object z order to top its in the sprite bundel) but u can allso leave it there,

    so go to bottom left in editor properties for ur "player.scml " file and change the name ext from player.scml to player.scon and save ur game

    then run your gear

  • but hey u can be my friend due to diffrent opinions , its not drawing any more cpu then the shadow system

    2d shadow actully draw more power cpu strangly enogh

  • it should be an engine for all kinds of games I think , and the strain is what u self put in to ur gameplay for what purpose game you are going for.

    and if u look at what the consumer wants ,then its the new fancy thing thats atract them usually at least , in my

    experience and in my knowlish and opinion , but sure u can disagree , its a free world of coz

  • Just my opinion, an we are all entitled to our own opinions after all. Being aggressive to those who don't agree is not really necessary.

    but u go a step further then that , u r trying to manipulate ashley over to ur side ?? that is unpolite in my opinion

  • Just my opinion, an we are all entitled to our own opinions after all. Being aggressive to those who don't agree is not really necessary.

    its not aggresive its just an disagrement back , but I accept your opinion , and meaning to just discussing back

    sorry if offended u