Q3D V-2.4 [3D Physics + Skeletal Animation UPDATE]

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Fantasy Game includes more than 600 sound effects inspired by hit computer games like World of Warcraft and Diablo.
  • ok ... is there an converter from blender file.blend to json tree .js file u know of ?

    go to file -> export -> .obj

    the "include UVs" box should be already checked. That's all you need.

    [quote:abmx14hg]i think he means that in blender internal rendering system (cause in cycles i think after 2.71 will be bake option available) you have to bake your uv textures.

    You do not need to "bake" anything in blender. The material applied in blender doesn't matter either. What I was saying about baking before was with regards to geometry. Multi-part objects which don't need to move seperately should ideally be a single mesh with a shared texture for performance reasons.

    All you need to do is make a texture, and then UV map your mesh to it, for that there are countless tutorials on youtube.

    [quote:abmx14hg]Imagine developing a 3D editor plugin for C2

    There is no need for this (although it would makes things slightly easier no doubt), anyone can code a 3d scene editor in construct for their game, and a corresponding loader to use the saved scene files. The complexity and design of the scene editor would correspond directly to your game's architecure.

  • OMG....can't believe this

  • Just picked this sucker up yester and I'm having a blast . Kinda reminded me of my old CC3d days, but without the tear inducing calculations and cries of "why won't you rotate correctly?!". So far I've managed to make something of a very simple 3D platformer, and I plan on seeing just how far I can go with just what's available right now, although I'm quite excited for what's coming up.

    BTW, to everyone fiddling with camera stuff. TiAm's MouseLock Plugin might prove handy if you haven't already gotten it

  • It sounds like something really impressive.

    Would someone take some minutes to make a quick video/tutorial in order to see how it works from construct-2 side (before buying it, I would like to see if the plugin is intuitive...) ?

    Maybe QuaziGNRLnose ?

  • I would like to see if the plugin is intuitive...?

    Yea, i am waiting for that also... i am affraid that it is not noob friendly...

  • Bought it!

    And there's still no download link in my email!

  • xoros,i sent you a pm, everybody whos having this issue check your spam folders!

    Yarfapet, i can't wait to see more!

    I'm working on the editor sub-plugin that will make using behaviors and testing for collisions in 3D a lot easier, its about 60% complete at the moment.

  • > First steps into a fps inside Q3D, still need lots of stuff added, its VERY limited right now ill mess around and see what I can get done with the little info we got now.


    > Still needs:

    > Freely move camera

    > Fire bullets

    > Freely move walking/ running

    > Enemies spawn

    > Shoot at and kill enemies

    > Possibly some form of enemy AI?


    > https://googledrive.com/host/0B8m5DDRra ... lpdy1qcDg/


    can modfy some code and the use drag and drop plugin

    combinding plugins with like pin to imagepoint to pinhandler and sprite to arrowkey move drag up down right left , pinning to 8 directions and pathfinding the posibleties are endless ,

    gun pin to q3D or pinhandler or set position to invisible imagepoint pinhandler

    using creative try and fail ..

    Yeah I still have some things up my sleeve to get the ball rolling here, hopefully I can make the camera just the way I like it thats what I have been struggling on the most.


    It took me only like a half hour, its only one imported model, the ground is just a cube basic model with some texture of grass, the building is just one basic texture to see the lighting, and the lighting appears dark because I only have one point light with low intensity.

    This works only with WebGL and HTML 5. Mobile deices that support WebGL can use this yes, I tested it on a Samsung Galaxy s5 with a solid 58 fps. However that phone is new and quite powerful. Older devices I am not sure what it will do. There isn't much going on in the scene, so once you start adding more things I am skeptical if mobile will run it efficiently or not.

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  • GameThirsty, You'll need to use some basic vector math. I'll be creating a few simple 3D behaviours after the current sub-plugin is done.

  • QuaziGNRLnose

    Thats what I was guessing, right now I am following some three.js FPS movement tutorials, and looking at how they handle the camera on their end in calculations and see if I can get the camera to move right for now.

    But thank you for adding behaviors in the future it will help a ton!

  • I got the camera to work! Sort of, though you have to use arrow keys to look around. I would prefer mouse movement look around, but here you all go! First person view look around. I'll see what I can do for mouse look around also.

    https://googledrive.com/host/0B8m5DDRra ... 1fUWtfSW8/

  • Gr8....

    can this plugin work for mobile Export.

  • I got the camera to work! Sort of, though you have to use arrow keys to look around. I would prefer mouse movement look around, but here you all go! First person view look around. I'll see what I can do for mouse look around also.

    https://googledrive.com/host/0B8m5DDRra ... 1fUWtfSW8/

    make a big bg arrowkey (rex sprite to arrowkey plugin) over hole layout then u can drag around with mouse or touch

  • Just picked this sucker up yester and I'm having a blast . Kinda reminded me of my old CC3d days, but without the tear inducing calculations and cries of "why won't you rotate correctly?!". So far I've managed to make something of a very simple 3D platformer, and I plan on seeing just how far I can go with just what's available right now, although I'm quite excited for what's coming up.

    BTW, to everyone fiddling with camera stuff. TiAm's MouseLock Plugin might prove handy if you haven't already gotten it

    encourage all users to upload there capx working mockUps progress are welcome in here for faster learning from and to benefit for everyone , comming soon with one myself .

    thanks and lets have fun

  • I guess if anyone wants it, here's the capx and web preview of my 3d platformer workbench (No comments, code is a mess, unnecessary pieces, etc.). Heads up, collision is rather rudimentary/buggy. Supports both gamepad and mouse/keyboard. Key uses wasd and space, and mouse for camera. Gamepad uses Leftstick-move, rightstick-camera, A-jump


    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/103 ... index.html


    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/103 ... ttest.capx

    Dependencies: Q3D, MouseLock (See above post)

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