IPHAT's Forum Posts

  • Here is the image of game.

    Everything works fine, until i change character, when i do that this happens (new character is same size as this original). Why is this happening?

    (I am using Construct r217)

  • Can you please reupload Construct 2 capx file?

  • Thanks LittleStain!

    That helped me a lot!

  • Right now i am making game, and i thougth to make game inventory screen on separate layer, so i can easy show it and hide it when i need it, but i have problem with this method. Even if layer is hidden i can still click on the items from that layer and if clicked object have events that events will run. Is there any way to prevent this or what do you think what is the best method to this inventory showing and hiding?

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Thanks! That helped me alot! Now i have some other question.

    How can i get facebook profile picture inside Construct 2?

    I tried creating empty sprite end then loading picture from url with this expression: "https://graph.facebook.com/" & Facebook.UserID % "/picture", but i get nothing... IDK why.

  • Yes, i have read manual, and tutorials section on this website and i searched forum, but I still cant manage to get Facebook functions in my game. After 5 hours of research i decided to post question here

    I already added Facebook object and entered APP ID and APP Secret, I also made app public and available to all users.

    Facebook login is not working. I added "Log in" action to "On tap gesture" of button, but when i click on this button nothing happens.

    You can also download my project file, so you can see what i did (check "Start Event" sheet). I also removed APP secret from project file.

  • ok, thanks! i will try this in my game!

  • thanks for sharing!!!

  • This will be EPIC!

  • Hello!

    I'm into audio engineering and composing for about 5 years. I'm mainly producing metal and electronic music. In last eight years i started many video game projects, but i never finished any (i finished one in RPG Maker). In all of that games i composed music and sound effects. Right now i am making one point & click game in Construct 2, where all sounds are made by me.

    You can check my soundcloud page, where you can find some of game soundtracks:


  • I'm just looking for some isometric graphics, and this voxel graphic will fit very nice!!!

  • I already found edge scroll tutorial on this website. And i downloaded demo of it and modified to my needs.But i would like to scroll outside of left and upper layout border. I think that here is the problem with position of window.

    Right now layout in Construct 2 is like this:

    Is it possible to change it like this:

    If i enable Unbounded scroll i can go in every direction, but there is no limit, so that's not solution. I attached my project file, so you can check it out. Is there any workaround to enable this kind of edge scrolling?

  • Hi Kenney!

    I just purchased your assets, because i want to thank you for creating this awesome contents!!! Respect!

  • Hello!

    My name is Predrag and i come from small country in Europe, called Bosnia

    I am music producer and also programming enthusiast. In last few years i mostly used Unity and i really liked it, but now i would like to try something simpler and with faster results, and maybe if i like results i will buy Construct 2

    Now my biggest problem are graphics, since i'm not into that kind of art (my field is art of music).

    Right now i have two possible ideas that i would like to try to develop in Construct:

    -First idea is some horror/adventure/survival game, with food, water, health system etc

    -Second idea is some kind of Oregon Trail clone (i really like this game and there should be more games like that)