IPHAT's Forum Posts

  • I mean if you swap frame number and name in the array so name is the first value at (x, 0).

    In the debugger it should look like:



    Thanks! I did that and now it works!

  • I just want to tell everybody that problem is with Intel XDK, i tried building app with Phonegap and File Chooser plugin worked!

  • One of those plugins can't be installed, because of lower crosswalk version (you will see it inside build log).

    On Cocoon.io, File Chooser is only not working Construct plugin. You should also post this in their forums, so they can add this in future! Cocoon.io is very easy to use and it's very nice! It has specialised Construct plugins!

  • Hey man i tried building my app with PhoneGap and File Chooser works there!

    Now i just have to figure out how to make saving Canvas Snapshot possible on Android...

    I also tried using Cocoon.io, but i can't see File Chooser button here, maybe you can also try Cocoon.io!

  • Experiencing the same sort of problem:


    I believe this is an XDK issue, so I posted it to the Intel XDK forum here:


    Someone else has similar problems at:


    Maybe worth posting over their (if you haven't already)

    Will let you know if I get an answer.


    That someone else on Intel XDK forums is me hahahahaha

    I am 100% sure that this is XDK issue, because app is working fine on my phone when i am previewing over WiFi, but when i build apk, then FileChooser is not working.

  • I like to use CSS plugin (you can find it here on forums). Create css file and import it to Files folder in Construct project. Then in CSS plugin write file name of your css file (stylesheet.css for example).

    Now if object supports CSS styling it will have option to set it's refferencing ID (buttons and text inputs have, probably progress bar have it too).

    Let's say that you entered progressbar as ID, in CSS file you must enter



    parameter: value;


    Try searching google for all CSS parameters and how to use them. Here, i think, that you need color, or background-color parameter to change.

  • Not working - again.

    Plugin list:

    EDIT: BTW where did you select crosswalk version? You said that i have to select 12, but i don't see it anywhere. There is "Crosswalk routine" and it's set to version 15.

    EDIT2: I added text object inside my app to show url and filename of selected photo. That's working nice, but for some reason it can't load image inside sprite. Also i can't download Canvas Snapshot to my phone.


  • FileChooser object is working when i'm testing my app inside Chrome browser of my Android phone, but when i build this app inside Intel XDK and then when i run apk, FileChooser is not working. I am selecting file, but that file is not loaded inside my app (i am using "Load image from URL to load selected image to the sprite).

    I guess i'm doing something wrong while exporting app. Can someone help me?

  • Before i buy this plugin i would like to knw o if its working under intel xdk for android devices, from construct 2 i export with cordova, then in intel xdk i build a crosswalk android.

    also i would like to know if you hae tutorials about how to use this plugin.

    I would also like to know this!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • No one used facebook in their app? That's strange

  • Ok, i have added Facebook object to my app and i have created facebook app in order to get AppID, which i have entered in Facebook object in construct. But what other settings on Facebook for Developers page of my app i have to set in order to get Facebook login and share to work? I saw Facebook tutorial on this website, but it's so outdated. I get this error when i try to login inside my app:

    Please note that i am not making Facebook app, i am trying to integrate facebook functions inside my Android app.

  • You would have to put the weapon name in the X axis to find it with IndexOf. Otherwise you'd have to loop through the array and compare each value.

    I don't understand it, isn't it already on X axis? You think that if i switch place of "item name" and "frame number" parameter it will work? Or what i need to do in order to this work?

  • > facecjf if i understand this event sheet, you have already specified on what array slot different weapons will be and then you are just adding to this value.

    > In my game inventory is little different - let's say that player will first pick up health box, then after few minutes handgun and bullets, so health box will be on slot 1, handgun on slot 2 and bullets on slot 3. But some other player can pickup handgun first, then bullets, then health box and now order will be different. I can't expect order of pickup, so i can't put always healthbox on first place, handgun on second and so on.


    Correct. I Added a true / false value in my array. Basically it sets a value of 1 = collected or 0 = not collected. Order of items I wasn't as concerned with. With a simple event and the true / false value from the array you can display only items collected by checking the array for items with a value of 1 (collected).

    Yes, you have simpler, but effective inventory. My inventory array start empty and it's updated when player pick up item, so i can't use your method, but thanks anyway for replying

  • NIce!!! I really like your assets!

    They kinda reminds me to Kingdom Rush!