InvaderX's Forum Posts

  • Joannesalfa Let's say I wanted to delete my save file. How would I do that? Also, how do I distinguish the slots that have saves from the ones that dont? That way if I press the button "New Game" the ones with saves on them are set invisible.

    EDIT: Also, for some reason, webstorage isn't saving the SaveStateJSON?

  • Any ideas? Or is it not possible?

  • Hi guys! I wanted to ask, is there a way to have the player use a microphone to record themselves, and then play it back to them with out using 3rd party plugins or behaviors?

  • Joannesalfa

    How would I do this if I had a text box that allowed Player's to name their save slot?

  • TELLES0808 Joannesalfa

    I was sitting here for a half-hour trying to figure this out, and I saw NONE OF THIS xD Thanks, though! Im gonna check it out.

  • Hi guys! I was trying to figure out how to use the recently added Save Game State thing, and then put the saves in slots that the player can Load. The only problem I have, is how do I save the Saves to the slots? And ideas? Thanks.

  • Ashley So, I found out where the files end up, using Aphrodite's method.

    <img src="" border="0" />

    How do I make them go to the Desktop or change the path?

  • Ashley Okay, I tried that, and it doesn't seem to work. Am I doing something wrong? <img src="" border="0" />

  • Ashley So, I write something like, "Desktop/Gamestuff/C2/win32"?

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  • In r130, you can write text files with the Node-Webkit plugin. I tried doing that, but for some reason, its not working. Am I doing something wrong? Here's what I have:

    <img src="" border="0" />

  • > ...I started making games when I was 11, I went straight into making online games with Visual Basic 6...

    Wow, I tried doing the same thing at the same age (with a newer version of Visual Basic) and I broke down! <img src="smileys/smiley3.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    Hahaha, I remember I started working with Sploder, then I moved to Unity. I freaked out after that, and I still find it hard to use, though I'm learning :)! Also, QUOTECEPTION!

  • coolernow123 It's not, like I said, we need money to make the game better, (graphics, music, etc.)

    Dave Hailwood Thanks! I'll check it out.

  • Woah, I didn't even notice! Almost 900 views..

  • Patriick Dave Hailwood OrangeTapioca AnD4D Thanks guys, The feedback really helps, also I dont generally look at the camera, mostly because i'm thinking, I do that when I talk to people sometimes, I'll have to stop that /)_< Though, I kinda do need the money, I cant get far an free stuff, you know? Though I like AnD4D's idea, and maybe instead of text, I could use the voice over guy/Lyndan to say stuff, like Dave Hailwood suggested. Though, I still really appreciate the feedback, and happy you guys care enough to help out. It means alot! :D I really hope I can fix things before the Kickstarter is a TOTAL lost cause (I still have 31 days :I). Is it possible I could make another Kickstarter on the same project later on?

  • Patriick TELLES0808 AnD4D OrangeTapioca Rory Okay, so I made a second video, it goes more in-depth about the gameplay and stuff, Haven't added it to the campaign, but I wanted to see what you guys think.