InvaderX's Forum Posts

  • oosyrag Thanks! I experimented with it a little, and it seems that no matter what I do, it refuses to create the triangles in my game.

  • oosyrag Thanks! Though that CAPX doesn't seem to be on Dropbox anymore, so I can't take a look at it.

  • AkiraBoy ... jVmT0w1aWs This link should work! (Uses the Canvas Plugin)

    lamar I tried that, but a sprite isn't dynamic enough to fill ONLY the space in-between the red lines. Plus, as it expands, the sprite gets blurrier and blurrier.

  • I have these lines in my game that rotate with the player and indicate what they can or can not see.

    How would I make it so that everything outside of those lines is greyed out, or is slightly darker than what you are able to see, drawing more attention to that area?

    I've tried using transparent sprites and a grey layer, but I'm not sure how to get it to always be the same shape as the area in-between the lines.


  • Hi! I have a game that randomly generates houses to walk through and explore.

    The only problem is that I can't figure out a way to generate/spawn doors or openings in-between each of the rooms in a way that looks neat and allows the player to reach the other side of the house. ... mc5QWtvM2s is the link to my CAPX.

    If anyone could help me figure this out, that would be great.


    P.S. The CAPX also uses the Canvas Plugin, which you can search for or get here.

  • Yes, I am. Does that break it?

  • Is anyone else getting the problem that when using this plugin and you export, you get a black screen?

  • thanks!

  • Hmmm. I'm having trouble installing the new version. For some reason it wont install when I put it in, and the old version's file has disappeared, yet I can still use the plugin?

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  • atomoso

    Thanks for the feedback! Really appreciate it!

    I just uploaded a new version (0.1.8b), and I addressed some of the problems you said! Here's all that was added:

    • Fixed Collisions
    • Added Restart Button/Improved Death Screen
    • Added a New Enemy (Tobike)
    • Bug Fixes

    Have yet to disable Story Mode and Horde!

  • When a scientist trapped in another universe messes up his portal back to home, several universe become merged. As a result, you are flung into the unknown depths of a deep, dark, dungeon. You'll have to learn to fend for yourself, and fight creatures you'd never thought you'd encounter. Can you find the scientist? Will you be able to go back home?

    Infinite Dungeon is a top-down game where you go through randomly generated floors, full of challenges, and monsters. In-between floors, there is a pit stop area that has a Cafe, and a Stuff Store.

    This game is in its early stages. So far, there is only Singleplayer Mode, and there are 3 playable characters: David, Dolores, and Harry Seagall. Harry Seagall is unfinished.

    There are three different game modes: Story, Exploration, and Horde. At this point, only exploration mode works.

    As of now, the pit stop area doesn't appear because I need to finish some art before I can show it.

    I do have a demo to show you though:

    Infinite Dungeon Web Demo

    Make sure you turn Tutorial off though. Also not finished. Sorry.


    • W, A, S, D = Moving (International Keyboard Controls will be added soon!)
    • Left Click to Attack.
    • Right Click to use your special.
    • If you are playing as David, right click again to recall your sword.
    • Move over objects to pick them up.
    • Left Click on Chests while you are nearby to open!

    I wanted to see what you guys think! Any feedback would be great! I wanna hear what you guys have to say about the game! Remember though, this is still a WIP!

    Thanks for your time! C:

  • Thanks for the quick fix!

  • R0J0hound Hi! I really like your code, and I was wondering if there was a way for it to generate a map, but it always includes a certain room in the map (a room that takes you to the next map/generates a new one).

  • I have the same problem in chrome, but on firefox i can upload games.

    Hmmm, that's odd.

  • Have you tried this:

    Logout, then click 'Delete all board cookies' link in footer, then go to arcade and login (tick remember me).

    Doesn't work for me :/