You have 2 options for android and XDK. You can build with 'Crosswalk for Android' or 'Android'.
Android gives you the same thing you get with phonegap build. APK is small. When a user has a phone earlier than 4.4, you won't have webgl, hardware acceleration for graphics, etc. For some games, these features don't matter--you need to test your game on some older phones to know.
Crosswalk puts the chromium webview into your APK, which uses about 16MB of space. It only works on 4.0 and later, but gives you all the features of a recent chromium on all phones.
Thank you... yes you're right that is a trap, but (on this occasion) it wasn't that problem I think probably I just copied the wrong .zip file across *slaps forehead*
One strange thing with the XDK production route is that the APK files are approximately 20Mb each, but the HTML5 version is total of about 2Mb. That feels like a lot of cruft to me ? Is there some way to easily strip out things unused from APK files ?