heromedel You could spawn a transparent 1x1 sprite object to a position you want, then move the moving object to that sprite's location. With your example, let's say you press the Left arrow and want to move -32. Give the moving object the Pathfinding behaviour to save some events.
Please keep in mind this isn't tested, but the logic works, . The idea is to make a variable you can toggle to make the transparent sprite only spawn once, and when it's spawned while holding the Left arrow, the moving object will move to the transparent sprite. When reaching the destination, the transparent sprite is removed.
*Make a global variable called objPositionSpawn and set it to 0*
Keyboard -> Left is down
--Player -> Find path to objEndPosition
--Player -> Move along path
(These are sub-events )
System -> objPositionSpawn = 0
System -> Create object objEndPosition on layer x at player.x - 32, player.y
System -> Set objPositionSpawn to 1
Player -> On path end
--System -> Set objPositionSpawn to 0
--objEndPosition -> Destroy