imhotep22's Forum Posts

  • The game idea is fine, but it needs improvement, you should add music, sounds, score and jumping should get harder as time passes, also maybe add lava after some time which slowly climbs up to kill the player.

  • There is no need to change the look of the menu, you just need to tweak the events a bit, the look can stay the same as it is in the tutorial.

  • You will need to keep an array with all the stars collected in local storage or on an sql server. On start of main many layout load the array from the local storage. Lets say cell 0 keeps level 1 stars, cell 1 keeps level 2 stars etc. Then you check each cell value and if cell is equal to 3 then unlock the level. Locking unlocking can be done using different object one clickable the other not, so when level is unlock you make the none clickable object to spawn the clickable one to its position and destroy the none clickable one.

    Its pretty hard to get it right on a first try, took me 2-3 days to get it right on my game. Here is a screenshot from my game that might help you.

    Edit: here is the link of the game in the arcade, if you are curious how the menu looks like. ... sion-18913

  • From what I seen in the video, the character slides only on the edge of the platform, if that is correct then it seems there is a collision polygon problem because the platform looks a little lit sloped near the edges, sadly if you are using a tiled background you cannot change the collision so you will probably need to fill the edges to be exact like the rest of the platform, if its a sprite then you can check the collision polygon and adjust it a bit on the edge.

    I had a similar problem on my latest platform game I am working on, I had a sloped tile but the player was not sliding on it because it was a tile background and the collision was a square instead if a triangle, I fixed it by changing the image to sprite so I can adjust its collision and after that it worked fine at a cost at slight performance change.

  • Maybe just change the object event, make it so when the crusher is in collision with the player, the player to die, and add a Crushed animation to the player. You can also delay the crush death by adding a wait condition in the action like 0.2 sec, and before that disable the player movement so it looks more real.

  • looks good, I like the animation is smooth and the shooting and hurting effects are fine. The tutorial part is also good it does not take to much screen space and its readable.

    Only thing I don't like its the background its to shiny in my opinion.

  • You cannot safe the project files with the new changes you added?

    What version of c2 you have on steam or from the web, did you try reinstalling it?

    First time I am hearing of this and I've been using c2 for a while, maybe report is as a bug in the bug section.

  • I checked your capx file, I added variable called force on 1x time scale its value is 300, on 2x its 150. Then on the force apply event I changed the 300 to the variable force and now it jumps the same. But the falling speed is still faster in 2x then 1x but the results you get are same.

  • Time scale does not increase physics force or anything at all, it just makes the game runs twice as fast, with the same values and parameters.

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  • system -> go to layout by name -> enter layoutname

    When you change the layout everything resets back.

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  • Use reset layout action, it should reset everything back.

  • If you are using platform behavior, the wall's needs to be solid.

    Give us more info by posting a screenshot or something, I can only guess like this.

  • There was a similar tread about this which I helped solved, here is a link to that


    Also here is a screenshot of my game, where I'm using local storage to save and load date with array saved as json

    I hope this will help.