imhotep22's Forum Posts

  • There is a reason why pixel rounding is there, to improve performance at a cost of less smother gameplay, you cant "Fix" it without making the game more performance heavy which will defeat the purpose of pixel rounding in first place.

    You want smother movement don't use pixel rounding, you can make pixel rounding look more smoother by making the screen resolution bigger then it will be less noticeable, but bigger resolution more stuff on the screen == reduced fps, so it wont really improve performance or it will by such a small amount it will be neglectable and you might as turn it off.

  • Use minify script, there is no other way.

    Also even without its almost impossible for someone to copy your code, even if he did, he will need all the images in your game with the correct names in order to display it right, also changing the code is hard because usually its +20k lines, it will take days to understand how it works.

  • You are welcome

    Good luck with your game

  • You have to be careful where you upload the files, there is a file hierarchy that must be maintained.

    it goes like this domain_name -> htdocs -> index.html

    The starting file has to always be index.html the first folder has to be the domain name address example and inside it there has to be folder called htdocs.

    Also in the root directory you have to have folder called logs, if you delete any of those or rename them it wont work.

    I am not using their online manager to upload files, instead I am using filezila to directly connected to the ftp server they provide you, and I upload the files there.

    Here is a screenshot of my test server folders. You should set yours the same, with different names of course.

  • You can also dynamically count the enemies, on start of layout add a for each loop and as action add +1 to a global variable, and you will get the total number of the monster without counting them your self

    This can also be used for monster spawning during gameplay, and the variable will be adjusted to the new monster number.

  • There is a full tutorial on json format and syntax on wc3shcool's

  • I am using for 2 years now, it has a free package with unlimited storage. Only limit is how many visits can you get per day, the free package is capped around 5-8k visits which is fine for me.

  • You have an upload problem then. maybe the host provider has a limit on how many files you can transfer or there is a storage space limit. You can also try uploading the files using filezila if they allow ftp connections.

    If you cannot fix it, well then you will probably need new host provider.

  • Every single event in the construct 2 engine is written in javascript, the only html the engine has is the index.html file which holds the canvas tag and the src link file to the javascript.

    If you want to learn javascript learn it from

  • 5400x400 is a crazy large image.

    most of the mobiles don't support over 1200x1200 size, there is also a limit on 32 and 64 bit operating system's. It seems like you crossed the limit on the 32 and the device does not know how to properly render the images.

    Why are you even using such a large image in a first place? You can import a smaller one and just use tiled background to tile it over and over again.

  • I also had the same problem when I tried uploading my game. Sometimes the images are not transferred properly. I re exported the game again and I re uploaded it again and it worked fine.

    You should do that to, it will hopefully fix the problem.

  • It will take you at least a month or so, until you learn and get used to construct, I suggest you start by reading the manual.

    After that you can check Ashley's tutorial on how to make basic games, each game has different approach. If you can make a platform game that does not mean you can make a top down game also.

    Lots of practice and reading manual, tutorials will help you achieving your goal, and it wont happen over night .

  • If you mean posting on your own website. First you need to get a host provider which will give you domain name and storage space, after you make the account you login into the c-panel provided by the host and you upload your game files there using FTP server, you can use the built in tool or filezila.

    If you are talking on other websites, like kongregate or armorgames. You need to create an account and there is upload options where you can put your game. On armorgames first you need to request an developer account, on kong you can upload right away.

    Edit: I am using for my personal hosting services, they have free and premium plan. Usually the free one will get the job done unless you plan getting more then 5000 visits a day.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • You can find it on the scirra arcade link is here ... sion-18913

  • Keep the touch Id as an instance variable in the invisible sprite, make left always 0 and right 1, when you touch it, set the value from the instance variable.

    Can you provide more info on the movement, like lets say you touch the left side of the screen, then left player is moving, but how? Do you use a arrow panel where you move the players and tap to select which one you more, of when you just tap then the left size left player moves automatically?