Illuminati's Forum Posts

  • Update 04/30/2014

    Thank's everyone for all the suggestions and feedback. I have a lot better idea, having spent a bit of time on it now, and wanted to up some images (now that I can ).

  • That's, adorable

    Look's like a lot of fun!

  • New updates

    New sprite links uploaded for some of the fauna inside the game. These are non-attacking mobs, but each will be attached to leveled lists and quite killable, or they can flutter about randomly doing their own thing. I'm hoping the art style change will captivate a wider audience. Most of the sprites are super early alpha, including the preview of one of the main characters (?), and will definitely be changing as it progresses. I'll try to upload more track's I'm going to be using in the game as well. I believe were around 9 loops (smaller areas, events), and 7-8 main theme songs. I'll be building a area if there is time this week, with fauna/enemies and one of the main characters, to make a video demo finally.

  • /clap,

    Thank you very much for the great tracks! I'm sure this will help with ton's of projects. Great work on the music as well!

  • This is plain excellent. I love the nod to old school zelda fans. I'm very excited to see this one grow.

    Keep up the excellent work!

    I would love to get in touch with you, and get some feedback on my project and inventory screens such as yours (ha, one day, when I grow big and strong and can send PM's .

    Really excited about this one, look's like a blast to play.

  • Thanks ffman22!

    Nice of you , and if there is anything I can help with, hit me up!

  • Due diligence, managed to answer my own question

    Thanks guys for the help! Much appreciated.

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  • I've got three threads atm going, we can close this one. I'd love to hear any idea's or feedback on the main project page though .

  • Ha, had a response in length, and ofc page refreshed and deleted it all , rofl.

    Thank you guys for the advice, I'll gladly take it. I want a complete set of C2 ready, plug-and-play artwork ready for when the time comes for coding, animation and eventing. I'm glad I asked, as this let's me know I need to change a few things.

    Luckily, I do use tilesets. One of the reasons the area was so large, was to incorporate an entire set of say 30-35 rooms before hitting a loading screen. It wouldn't be displayed all-at-once by any means, but rather a small portion of it (whatever room you were in). I thought it might be a good idea in tandem with scaling it down, and using it for a top corner minimap, as well as a inventory screen map, minimizing a little work. Busting the rooms down shouldn't be a problem, to reduce layer size. However, it may create a ton more work, in figuring out a way to break up the layered moving backgrounds for each individual room,

    I'll definitely take a look through ashleys guide, and try to do some more reading on correct level design. I also grabbed Rex's awesome plugins before I started, thinking that the canvas plugin might be exactly for that purpose. I could be way off base, and need to read up on it too.

    If this helps : (link with project and photo's)


  • Hello all,

    I'm on the level design phase currently of my project, and it dawned on me this is probably a good question to ask (lol, probably before I got started). I've been creating my enviroments until now, on seperate layers in Gimp, to keep everything nice and tidy (walls/floors on a layer, ceilings on another, backgrounds on layers 3 until about 8). Makes it a ton easier in fixing problems and creating modular "sets".

    My question, is this a good move, and should I work with the layers inside C2, or just compile the image inside of gimp beforehand, putting all the non-moving (floors/walls/backdrop interiors) into one image, then making it a main layer inside of C2 instead.

    I could see where it might be a good idea use multiple layers inside of C2 (tying affects/animations to seperate layers), however most of modular levels I've been using, use a size of 3200x3200 (big levels, and to keep the graphics nice on rescaling of the engine). If there is a smart way to go about this while doing the design and artwork, would save a ton of work later, please let me know

    the end result being a 2d sidescroll with multiple layers at different speeds (aka foreground trees move by as your walking, at a faster rate, than background trees). Some I'd like to have with up to 10 layers, to give a lot of life to the enviroment without using ton's of animations inside the engine.

  • I don't know why exactly, but it reminds me of what would happen if Bully : Scholarship edition (PC/PS game), met Simcity, lol. Of course, without the dimeaning act's, a little added humor and some nice fluffy fun graphic work.

    I think the premise of a young, maybe cartoon/cell shaded sprite, breaking his way into the industry, could be identifiable on a lot of levels for the player. Humor might be a good weapon!

    Great idea, hat's off there, very unique twist. Best of luck with it for sure!

  • Very cool!

    Thanks Cipriux

  • Darren,

    Great work, the tracks sound great!

  • Bam! Your a 14year old sprite in-game with a longing to make video games.

    Question? What in the wold to make? Well, you could :

    Populate a list of game types, which have varying levels of required expertise, allowing you to recruit your next door neighbor, the family cat, or the small part-time cello player down the street. Each of these would offer some (delayed time event? time wait in days in-game) stat's to your finished first game, which the improvements could serve to help appeal to different small-time, beginner production companies nearby (in-game also).

    Maybe as a side-quest :

    You must complete different activities at home or the (levelmap?) (minigames! woo woo), in order to unlock games of the type for creation by your new game studio (in game)

    Events, you could frequent them in-game to help advertise your game, giving it endorsements, adding $$$ with with which to buy better "options" to create your first game, then doubly giving it more stats.

    Apologies, flooded with ideas, hope that came out legible and was on point lol.

  • For the love of zimbabwian monkey cats, thanks for this post. Great literature to read up on! Thanks for sharing

    Really great info the the layman just getting started!