Illuminati's Forum Posts

  • A panda, that think's hes a human. Maybe with a sidekick dog with multiple personality disorder, and conflicting ideas. They could be stranded, back in time, after having fiddled with dad's inter-dimensional faucet cleaner, and now stuck inside a cartoon world full of goblins and hickory spiced bbq. They partake in a soul searching journey to find themselves (well, all 42 selves for the dog), while avoiding the bbq fanatical goblin king who want's to deep fry the panda for personal gain.

    Although, I'm definitely down with Sheepy's idea too XD

  • Had a couple of week's to play around, and figured out I could post direct images finally . New pic's up. They need some alpha cleaning for sure. Hopefully it's a middle ground between the options. Thanks for all the feedback so far, it's been a lot of fun working on it so far.

  • Carsteroids, diggin it

    Myself, lot's of asset's for my Earthbound/Mother project! (I'm so tired of tree's XD)

  • I tried out the finer lines on a offset blurred background, and rather liked it

    quick mach up, but I put some new links on the first page to a few more assets, the first area (scene) of the game, and a couple of quick animations to go with it.

    It's a bit of middle ground between style 1 and 3, and looked a little funny on a similar background. Changing the background a little seemed to offset it a lot better (although I didn't spent a heap of time on this, plenty of room for improvements I'm sure)

  • Just an scary thought,

    Guy writes a 5 minute game, google monetized it. Guy wrote a rather nifty bot, mass downloaded it. Guy manages to climb through the rankings with it, then self sustain's (almost anyone will download/try the search suggestions, based by rankings), long enough to earn a small fortune. Guy get's caught, upset people mentioned suing. Company realizes they air out their dirty laundry by bringing a case publicly, showing the fault's inside their ranking system and how it can be manipulated. Guy forced into early retirement. Guy gives away all asset's and nifty cover story. The end!

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  • Or maybe lunch XD,

    At home now, and have a another draft. Here's a quick before/after on 3 with more edge and line definition and toning,





  • I think I see where your coming from Rampack, I'll try that after breakfast and see what happens

  • Thanks Drew

    I enjoy tinkering with it, but doing it fresh is great advice. Thanks for all the helpful feedback, and agreed, I'll run off and finish up the game intro sequence eventing for a couple of days.

  • .

    Thanks Rampack (love the name). I like 1 overall best too. I'm going to play around with (2) some more today hopefully. I think it would be neat too, after fixing the washed out shadows and desaturation a little.

    I played around with the image's last night and may have accidentally fixed the oil version. New pic's on it up (style 3), let me know what ya think.

  • New scene up, with options 1 and 3 from the last batch (cartooned/cell shading and oil paints). I couldn't get a good look from the handpainted style, but I'll tinker with it tommorrow some.

  • Very cool, and apologies on the late reply.

    Thanks for the suggestions and feedback, this is giving me a great jumping off point on sprite style to build around the game and use in the assets. It also gives me a better idea of what other gamers/developers out there might want to see/play.

    On a oops note, I managed to chunk my scene file it seems. I'll try to build another with the those two styles, but a little more finely tuned, and upload links here in the next hour or so. I've been tinkering around tonight and trying to fine tune it a little. I'd be glad to hear what you think if you don't mind checking back in a few

  • Thanks Drew

    I spent a few minutes and slapped a quick foreground/background on it. (I probably should have done that in the first place lol). Gives a lot better picture of the differences for sure. It's looking like the clean might be the best bet so far.

    links up


    Thanks for the feedback. I had not considered that approach really. It makes perfect sense now thinking about it , I'll definitely keep it in mind now though, thanks.


    Was that a pot shot at photoshop with 4k posts? Hehe, I'm not sure of your meaning unless you were just seconding DUTOIT's on his post. I'd love some feedback regarding the actual images though, should you have any.

  • A litte late to the party, but Frag had a great idea on how to do it.

    Here's a little nifty back-way in GIMP, if your familiar with it.

    Seperate images. First, select file>open as layers. Then, select all your image's (shift click), and import them. Now you'll want to head to Filters > Combine > Filmstrip.

    Here you can leave all the base settings, and click ok. It will generate a perfectly spaced long image on a film looking layer, including all of your photo's.

    After this, you'll want the layers option at the top. You'll want to click add layer, then make sure it's a transparency, and click ok. Now, you'll want the same option, and select merge down.

    When that's done, you'll want to grab the RGB select tool (looks like a pointed finger on the toolbar), and shift click the black, and white areas around your images (part that looks like film), and hit delete.

    This should leave you with a well spaced, single row of your images.

    Also, you might try googling "Glue it". this is a wonderfully small, free program, that will automatically allow you to add individual sprite pictures, and assemble them in order (based of what they are named (just remember to name files 1, 2, 3, ect) in order), and create nice little quick spritestrip.

    Sorry for the mouthful, but don't let all that turn you off. After your used to it, you can do all those steps in about 30 seconds without a problem .

  • Dungeon Buster for the win! Hat's off to Burningcake and Wrangler, I'm sure it's chock full of glory day goodness and ideas

    Also, loved the Mother series. So much in fact, I nearly took it on as a first project here on C2 (Although I realized, I might want to churn out somthing a bit simpler and learn C2 prior to this grandiose scheme)

    What were you needing help on? I'd be more than willing to brainstorm or help in any way I can, hit me up.