IJCT's Forum Posts

  • are those 3d models? cause r0j0 just found a way to load .obj files and render them on c2

  • was this error fixed?

  • Step 1: Create game in C2

    Step 2: Download C3

    Step 3: Open Capx in C3

    Step 4: Export

    bro shhhh.... keep it secret dude

  • new website: vortechstudios.com

  • hi i was wondering if there i is a way of following an object movement without that weird "range" that c2 have on the "scroll to" behaivor/systemevent where its only follows the object if is going close to the windows corners?

  • hi! i was wondering if there is any TECNHICAL tips for making a steam game with C2? im putting "technical" in mayus because i just want to know if there is any error, bug or thing that i have to know before working on a steam game.

  • for "middle of the screen", click on your layout and on the properties bar put "yes" on the "unbound scrolling"

  • pretty weird, did you check your windows is 64 bits?

    btw i dont recommend using minify.

  • hi! i would like to know if there is possible to have the behaivor solid to collide with other solids? that way we could have collisions between 2 solid objects, i was trying to do an rpg-like game test the other day and i set "solid" to the player thinking that it will collide with the walls, i had to do some events to avoid that but it will be really helpful if we can get that thing, if its not possible to modify the behaivor solid then a new one called "collisions with solid" or something like that.

  • i would realaly like to know this too, debug is not that complete compared to other debuggers

  • i understand what you are saying about having already implemented events that can solve those things but i think is better if the users figure out their own way to do stuff like pinch and gestures, since not all pinch's mechanics works the same or gestures works the same, there are maaaany ways of doing a pinch and a gesture system and people shouldnt be led to just one by default instead of investigating and searching for their own, yeah it will be helpful for new users so thats more up to Ashley to implement those things as premade events.

    edit: btw there are soo much things that a prefabricated "pinch" will need in their properties and i find waay better to code your own pinch with the events rather than a prefab one.

  • Can you point me to more information regarding Adventure game creation projects in Construct 2?

    Construct 2 lets you make anything you can imagine with 2D, the thing is that there is nothing "prefabricated" and you will have to think like a real programmer to solve problems and achieve certain stuff, i will recommend you to start to experiment with Construct 2 since the engine is not aimed to any kind of game genre.

  • What if you want more than one of the same behavior?

    it will appear another icon on the list but with the "2" at the end.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • ok since your question is long i will answer part by part.

    [quote:s99wq47w]Do you use the built in functions?

    yes, nothing external from C2 until the moment, all can be done inside construct 2

    [quote:s99wq47w] Is typewriter effect implemented, or someone wrote a plugin?

    you can do that with just one event!

    [quote:s99wq47w]How do you handle inventory in your adventure game creation?


    [quote:s99wq47w]For Characters do you import jpg, png walk cycle files or you have to draw all sprites in Construct?

    all is done in different graphic softwares and exported into png to Construct2, sounds like you havent use Construct 2 if you ask this kind of question, Construct 2 lets you import any image file and use it the way you want.

  • I quite like using the colored icons to identify each section and having an 'Add' shortcut in the header. I'll see if I can work that in somewhere.

    glad you like the idea! i hope the "hide/show" behaivors can be implemented too!