hyem's Forum Posts

  • it's just an idea, but how about "air assault" ?

  • hello everyone:

    how do you add different degree of blur to the screen so that everything on the screen appears slightly blurry or super-blurry depending of game variables you can control at run time?

    i played around with webgl effects with no luck. i dont want a glassy-glossy overlay look, i also dont want a "water" effect (waving back and forth as if an object is under the water) but a plain simply blur.

    any ideas how i can do that?

  • thanks for all your help gumshoe2029, i'll get started on that path for the next game, making sure it's built in a client-server model from the ground up. that was very valuable feedback, thanks a million.

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  • then i want to do what you are doing also, but how?

    how can you export your game via C2 so that there is a server-side (with all the data, logic, code) and a dumb client-side (with the art and audio)? how were you able to do this? also, is it scaleable? in another words, if your game is hosted on amazon and 10,000 people want to pay and purchase it, does it require any manual involvement on your part for selling/distributing the authentic client to the verified buyer or can they click and download the client on their device without any additional involvement by you.

    as you have pointed out, this is important but unfortunately very difficult (at least it appears to be so, to me). thanks for your continued help on this.

  • Gumshoe2029, thank you for your comment.

    while your statement may be true, i dont think it is possible with C2 to create such a game.

    in my original post, i indicated that it is not possible to prevent pirating 100% of the time, i only wanted to ensure i was taking the necessary precautions to ensure it was minimized and i was not making a newbie mistake of putting it all out on the internet to easily pirate, nor was i posting on questionable web sites.

    1- Ashley recommended using "minify script", and also confirmed that developer comments within the game, which are very critical during development, are never in the final build (making reverse engineering a bit more complicated and time consuming)

    2- Sumyjkl suggested to test for the right host

    If you know of a practical way splitting the game into server-side and client-side components, please share it. I agree with your observation, but do not think it's feasible (at least not given my limited knowledge of C2).

    Thank you everyone for sharing your knowledge and experiences on this tread, i hope my game will be successful and as secure as possible, given reasonable precautions and best-practices.

  • coolness, thanks a million Ashley

  • Sumyjkl, thanks a lot for all of your feedback...one last question and i promise i'll stop bothering you...

    Do you recommend removing all comments from the code prior to "compiling" a version to upload on a server? although the C2 comments are vital for a large project, are they published in the final version (if so, that might make pirating easier). what are your thoughts, suggestions?

  • thanks a million Sumyjkl, what have you heard of the APK format being download?

    i dont know much about advanced CAPX stuff, this is my first commercial/real game with C2 that i will be publishing, do you know what some folks have said? they discourage against posting your game on sites where the apk is exposed, or that the game is not removed from the local drive, after it is played.

    not sure what all that means, and tried to research it with no luck...do you know if those things expose your game to piracy, and if so how to know which sites to distribute the game through and which sites to ignore? or what precautions to use for "removing" the game after it's played?

  • i'm 1-2 weeks away from finishing my soon-to-be commercial game, and before trying to distribute/sell it online i wanted to know:

    1- are there any issues you have run into with particular online web sites or companies that cannot be trusted because they compromise the safety of your game, intellectual property, or try to cheat you with payments?

    2- what precautions should i take now to ensure my online game is not hacked/pirated? there is no such thing as 100% hack/pirate proof, i understand that...but there are lots of things we can do to ensure our titles are not easy targets? any experiences, suggestions?

    3- is there a special way i should ensure game play online to prevent the C2 code from being "read"/exposed, copied?

    any other suggestions, recommendations, or advice you'd like to share?

    thanks a million for sharing your past experiences.

  • Does anyone know how to fix this problem i'm running into?

    i'm trying to simulate in my game the hyperspace fx from the old arcade game asteroids (ie, you press the "Z" key and the player reapers in another random location on the screen).

    everything works fine, however the keyboard is not very responsive...sometimes i hit the "z" key and the player moves instantly; other times i have to press the key down 3 or 4 times for it to move.

    i'm using the "On key pressed" to look for and respond to the "Z" key...is there another way of doing it to make it more responsive?

    any ideas?

  • thanks a million JohnnySix, you're the best. i appreciate your feedback and example.

    Thank you again, for taking the time to help me.

  • different people learn in different ways.

    for some folks, one of the best ways to learn is to see the sample capx, test it by changing variables values and seeing how that impacts the mechanics, and building on what you've just learned.

    different people learn in different ways, so it's best not to draw unfair and unflattering conclusions about people as you have. but thanks for your feedback, nonetheless.

  • does anyone know how to replicate the TINY WINGS game mechanics in C2?

    how to make the character float down, bounce up, speed up/down, etc.

    does anyone have a capx example they'll be willing to share to learn from?

  • cool, thanks gumshoe2029. let me try out your recommendations and get back with you on what i've experienced.

  • thank you gumshoe2029 and 99instances2go for sharing your capx solutions with me.

    gumshoe2029, i think i many not be using your capx correctly; because the zoom effect is not smooth and the jump from location to location seems with too big of a gap.

    99insances2go, your capx was more with what i had in mind (the side to side and top/down parrallax is smooth)...but does not seem to have the zoom in-and-out fx...can you please share a modified capx to include a zoom in-and-out effect based on the characters location? i will do the same using your capx, but wanted to compare my solution with yours to see which is more efficient/intuitive.

    thank you both for taking the time to help me, i will be sure to include both of you in my game's credits...if you'd like me to include an email address also, please let me know.