HurtZ's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • Hello Gamee, I'm having trouble with Media, we are trying to use microphone but when I test it on Gamee Emulator it get "Permission Error", but game after compiled to Android works fine! Is it avaliable to use with Gamee Plugin? Anyway, how can I publish a game in gamee plataform without entering in contest?? I looked around but didn't find nothing about...


  • Haaaa... Phyco! I knew, I knew... but I didn't know how change max player on AirConsole!... TY A LOT

    Newbie detected here! hahahahaha

  • Yes Psycho, my controller.html have handshake function like yours.

    Here is my C2 code:

    I tried this C2 code too:

    Here is my Controller code:

    There's something wrong? I just get ID's and show it on screen.

    I tried many C2 codes but 2 players works, 3 and 4 don't... Don't matter what I do!

    First and second controller works good, but others don't work even I try connect and reconnect like you said. Test it with 4 controllers... Anything goes wrong!

    For debug purpose I create a global variable to add 1 every time event On Device Join is called, it's only called two times, for Device 1 and 2... After it, this event is never called, don't matter if I add controller or reconnect added ones! But if I disconnect first controller connected the event is called again. (Seens like two slots on AirConsole, when we have 2 controllers connected third one don't connect with C2).

    See the picture:

    Here I've 4 controllers connected on simulator! I reconnected all, first and second controller connected, third and fourty don't. "On Device Join" event is not called anyome!

    C2 Version: R239 (Last stable - Registered version) - Just in case!

  • Yes, I mean on Controller.html, what are you using to connect with C2 plugin? Yes, I'm doing it... but still no working, sometimes first and second controller don't work too...

  • Well I don't know, I just tried and it did work here. As always, manually added controllers didn't send a handshake when connecting it did get controller.html. After disconnecting and reconnecting the concerned controller it did connect successfully

    Ok Psycho, but I have one more newbie question to you

    How I do that? I just see using Handshake, but how can I did it without handshake, manually? Can you give me a example? And again thank you a lot for attention...

    Sorry for this Psycho! It's because I'm at least a week trying e searching for something that can help me, without success! By the way, I'm using the C2 Plugin from your Git, nice work

  • Add the controllers, then click disconnect them and reconnect. It's a known issue

    Thank you for your attention Psyco! But it didn't work... Are working only for first and second player that sometimes don't join on game start (under simulator), then I reconnect or reload smartphone plugin and it work fine, but again, only for first and second player, for others it'snt work.

    Any other thing can I try? or I need to know?

    Thank you again!

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  • Hello guys! I'm new at forum and game development using Construct 2. I'm trying to develop a game in C2 using Air Console to 4 players. I read a lot of forum posts, api, guides and more. I have sucess doing two players enter in game normally, it's okay, but don't matter what I do, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, player 3 and 4 just don't join on game. It's open normally on simulator (controller) but the game don't receive the handshake for control 3 or 4... Anyone can help?

    On construct I followed the guide. (On device Join -> catch "AirConsole.DeviceIDJoin" to a variable and show it on screen for debug purpose).

    DeviceID1 and DeviceID2 works fine, but DeviceID3 and DeviceID4 don't work.

    For me seens like something on plugin or on AirConsole that limit player number for two only. How can I solve this? Anyone can help? To see how I did the construct and controller, all are followed from oficial guide on AirConsole page.

    Thank you a lot ... Sorry for broken english! I hope you guys can understand!

  • 7 posts