Yes Psycho, my controller.html have handshake function like yours.
Here is my C2 code:
I tried this C2 code too:
Here is my Controller code:
There's something wrong? I just get ID's and show it on screen.
I tried many C2 codes but 2 players works, 3 and 4 don't... Don't matter what I do!
First and second controller works good, but others don't work even I try connect and reconnect like you said. Test it with 4 controllers... Anything goes wrong!
For debug purpose I create a global variable to add 1 every time event On Device Join is called, it's only called two times, for Device 1 and 2... After it, this event is never called, don't matter if I add controller or reconnect added ones! But if I disconnect first controller connected the event is called again. (Seens like two slots on AirConsole, when we have 2 controllers connected third one don't connect with C2).
See the picture:
Here I've 4 controllers connected on simulator! I reconnected all, first and second controller connected, third and fourty don't. "On Device Join" event is not called anyome!
C2 Version: R239 (Last stable - Registered version) - Just in case!