HolidayExplanation's Forum Posts

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  • This is how you do it in C3, but remember, you have to turn on the C3 Runtime which is disabled on deafult, it is an experimental version of Construct 3 and ads a set of features, which the normal Construct 3 version does not have. I used an mp3 in the project for the sound, because I was too lazy to convert it, but always use .ogg becuase it is a lot smaller in size, if you didn't know already of course.

    Here's the project, all ready to go:

    Here you can find how you can enable the Construct 3 Runtime in your project.

  • Tom

    When will the tutorials be added to or fixed on scirra?

    I've been trying to look into multiplayer, but the tutorial is useless since the images are broken.

  • You could make a variable for the day, month, year, hour, minute and compare the last set time with the current time. And then with comparing the variables do the action you desire.

    You can get the time and date with ExecJS(Date()), here's a tutorial even on how to get the datetime and you can use expressions to split the datetime and put the day into the day variable, month into the month variable etc. It's all explained in the tutorial

  • Add these effects to the top most layer or just directly onto the layout:

    • Vignette (for darkening the edges of the screen),
    • Noise,
    • Vibrance (for the sharpness and strength of the colors),
    • Horizontal Blur,
    • Scan Lines,
    • Pixelate (don't go over 1 with this)

    If you play around with those for 5 minutes and fine tune it, I'm sure you can get the exact same effect as the Gameboy.

    Hope this helps.

  • Anything is hackable if the user really wants to hack it. So don't bother with making it non-hackable. To make it non-hackable, you'd have to do everything via PHP from your own server. So I don't think it's worth the trouble for you trying to make it non-hackable. As a matter of fact, I like having games hackable that don't have a creative mode, so that when I am done with the game, I can have some creative fun with it afterwards. Making it non-hackable is just annoying in my personal opinion.

  • lucid Any news on this?

  • This might do the job, try it.

  • Thanks vubidugil, but it's really a shame that we still don't have Spriter support, it's tough making a serious game like that, mostly since your game will be around 30 times bigger without Spriter plugin support.

  • Well, I'm using Spriter and without the plugin, my game is going to get pretty heavy. So, is there a plugin that's working yet? The download link on the inital topic message is broken, and I can't really find the plugin anywhere for C3.

  • Yeah I guess the colors are too bright and don't really suite, maybe different color palette? And why is it that we need this Captcha Robot Check crap, there's nothing more annoying or easier to hate. The old forum worked without it and I'd gladly use the old one just because of the Annoying Captcha.

  • Forum looks stunning, but I wish it had a dark theme for my eyes :(

    Hope the links including the Manual are a known issue

  • I read through your post on that yesterday, but I really couldn't figure out how I could implement anything, since there were no examples. I have the experimental features enabled, but I don't see the BBcode option on the Text or Text Input object. Ashley

    I need it to extend my narration text system, the system is already done via the Text object. It's basically a ton of text's getting written inside the Text object at all times. Like a chat being written by just one person and on text object that gets text, writes it and then clears the object, writes once again etc. And I prefer not using Text Input for things like that since, that is a text input and is made for getting input from the user.

  • How can I use BBCode to apply style to a certain word in a Text object.

    For example: "<b>Hello</b>, I am a <color=#fff>regular</color> string."

    I don't want to use a million Text instances to accomplish that..

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  • You have a weapon that is pinned to the player. The weapon gets its angle set every tick to the position of the mouse.

    How can I then give the weapon an angle limit, where no matter how much the player moves the mouse around, the rifle won't follow outside the angle of 0 to 90?

    I've been stuck on this for a while as I'm out of ideas, so any help would be greatly appreciated.