HolidayExplanation's Forum Posts

  • Sorry for reopening this post, but here's another simple way to do this and someone might need it in the future.

  • Interesting idea, especially for the online database part. Think I might do just that! Thanks This helps me quite a lot!!

  • I am building a translator for my language and I quite know how I'm gonna do the rest of the engine, but I am stuck on a problem that I wanted to do first, as the rest of the engine will be easy to programm.

    Works like this: When I type a word into the TextBox, it adds the word (if it's detected) into a Text instance variable called Output. Then it sets the Text to Output.

    Problem: Words getting overwritten; when a user types for example "You are cool", it translates to "i pai" and when I write any of the already used words again, e.g. "You are cool, you", it doesn't add another "you" at the end as it should. *It's because the value is already in the variable.*

    Problem 2: My realtime breaks at the point when I start deleting stuff. It adds a word to a variable when it detects it and then sets the variable equal to the display text, but the strings in the variable don't get removed. Is there a way to find a value in a variable and replace it with "" so that it removes it and the space it took as well?

    My Capx:

  • Hmm I didn't know for tint, it's perfect for it so I'll stick with that. Thanks =]

  • I need 9 colors of the same exact particle object, but I don't want to create 9 particle objects for that. Instead I've been trying to change the color of the one particle object at runtime or when the object is created. Couldn't find anything on it for now. Is there even a way to do this?

  • It kinda lacked information so I wasn't really sure about it, so thank you for clearing it up for me!

  • What's the difference between the personal and business license? Can you sell your creations with the Personal one as well (I remember C2 having a 5000$ cap)?

  • blackhornet

    Oh didn't see the password somehow, even though I've looked there I had problems with my .net, so the problem was up to me sorry, works like a charm now. Thanks :]

  • .

  • Are you gonna port it to C3 as well? Your addon is just great..

  • blackhornet The version 15 opens and closes almost immediately without any error messages and the 14th version is password protected so I can't extract it.

    OS: Windows 10 x64 latest build

  • =||= If not, will it do so in future?

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  • Do they use the amount of memory a visoble sprite would use or is it reduced to just the position and instance variables ? And what about the layout parts which are completely empty, but still in the game - How do they affect the memory?

  • R0J0hound Yeah the persist behavior does the job I would have it on a layer and I usually use that, but I have 5 main worlds and I like it DRY.

    dop2000 That was my initial idea, but it doesn't work on one specific world though =]

    Thank you!

  • So I have a world layout, where the game takes place and I've another layout that acts like a inventory. When I go to the inventory layout and revisit the world layout, the world layout got reseted to its initial state. How do I save the state of my world and inventory layout?