HolidayExplanation's Forum Posts

  • Been trying for the last ninety minutes to get this to work, but whatever I try, it just won't.

    I am trying to check if a dirt block is over the water level & if it doesn't have another block on itself, and then if it doesn't have one, set the block to animation frame 1 (to a grass block).

    Code >

    This is what happens when the code runs. No block becomes grassy (that one in the image was set by me).

  • Oh just as I posted the image I've seen that the item amount checking should've been a subevent. It's all good now! Thank you very much!!

  • I see how it should be working and it should, but now things got even weirder since, now it prints hello in increments of five and ten, and only take into account if x:0 is occupied. The inventory I have, I've checked now multiple times, runs correctly with the values.

    Did I follow your steps wrong?

  • Didn't really work for me since, if I have 10 amount of anything, it doesnt matter if the x is 4 or any other number (item type), it still runs the "Hello".

  • In your project properties, there is an option to change the runtime to either the old Construct 2 runtime or the new Construct 3 runtime, which is still a bit unstable in my experience. I had issues with my exports while using the Construct 3 runtime and upon switching to Construct 2 runtime, it would then work normally.

    So make a backup of your project and try switching to the Construct 2 Runtime option, then exporting it etc.

  • Are you using the Construct2 or Construct3 runtime?

  • Try Construct 3

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  • How do I go through each slot and check if

    Item type 4 is in array and has 10 amount AND Item type 6 is in array and has 5 amount, then just Log('Hello')?

    Thank you in advance.

  • Cassianno Yeah, am using text + system fonts. They aren't scaled. But, the problem wasn't in the scaling. It all seems to be working fine in edge, the font is crystal sharp, but in Chrome and upon exporting, even in lover Chromium versions, the blur remains. So exporting in Edge makes no difference, but previewing does. I am honestly so confused.

  • Cassianno

    No matter the scaling, the fonts remain blurry and yes, pixel rounding is already on

  • kriand

    When creating a project, it asks you if you want to optimize the game for pixel art via a checkbox. That's what I mean by standard pixel art optimized project.

  • bump.

  • How do I stop fonts from becoming blurry in a standard pixel art optimized project?

  • It has two steps:

    First: Randomly Generate Block at always increasing X position, that is an island foundation then.

    Second: Generate more blocks to that island foundation block randomly (and then there is a possibility that it should randomly generate another block onto that generated block, which it doesn't do at all).

    This is how the issue looks like, while it should make it looks more like an island and not lines stretching left, right, up and down:

    The issue might be something obvious or stupid, but I am just blind to it right now.

    This is the code:

    Island block foundation generator:

    Island block foundation top, bottom, left, right block adder:


    This is just a basic circular Construct brush that looks like a light, I did this Lamp light effect with the Pulse effect, but the effect changes according to where it is on the screen so I need another way of getting that effect. Any ideas how?

  • Here, this does the job.