You could make a variable for the day, month, year, hour, minute and compare the last set time with the current time.
You can get the time and date with ExecJS(Date()), here's a tutorial even on how to get the datetime and you can use expressions to split the datetime and put the day into the day variable, month into the month variable etc. It's all explained in the tutorial
i used
Browser.ExecJS("var currentdate = new Date(); currentdate.getHours() ':' currentdate.getMinutes();")
set text Browser.ExecJS("Date()")
it works, and show me all xD
but i no find how to save JUST the DAY/MONTH, to compare..
if i save Just DAY, will not work, example.. if var DAY2> var DAY1 - do something, else, nothing.
but when are day 30, and back to day 1( of next month), 30 will be > than 1 :(
i need to get numbers of month, or how can i do?
and how i save the Result of the ExecJS in a VAR?