Hillstrom's Forum Posts

  • I double checked paths and files/directory permissions (allowed all for all users) but still fails. Only Photshop, worked with other editors.

    I'm still testing different ways to save images and internal settings like rasterizing, alphas, bits, and blabla.

    Could be a local problem in my machine but just in case i leave this issue for revision.

  • Image not showing on C2 image editor after saving in the external image editor

    ____Tried to import a png simple image from Photoshop cs6 (64 bits) to C2 but nothing showed up ____

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Create a sprite object in c2
    • In C2's Image Editor i clicked the button to open the external image editor (opened fine).
    • Drawn a simple circle red filled and saved as a png (tried jpg) always as a 32x32 pixels size.
    • Clicked the confirmation button on C2 image editor as requested but nothing showed up. * Tried then the same but using Ms Paint (windows 7 64 bits) and worked all fine. * Ms Paint failed wasn't recognized if i use "%windir%\system32\mspaint.exe" as the path. Worked with "C:\Windows\System32\mspaint.exe". This is not part of the bug with Photoshop but keep an eye to it anyway. "%windir%" is generated by windows when you see the properties of the Ms Paint Icon.

    Observed Result

    ____ Image edited in external image editor didn't shown up ____

    Expected Result

    ____ The same behaviour as with Ms Paint or any other working image editor____

    Operating System and Service Pack

    ____ Windows 7 64 bits ____

    Construct 2 Version ID

    ____ Beta r193 ____

  • Holy sh.. you! That's was it! Works fine now.

    Thanks ramones ! I was using your example from another topic all along but didn't remember who made it. And you came back to finish what you started!

    Epic stories apart i'm going to test this with all input devices to see if it works fine with all of them (mouse, gamepad, touch, etc). But i guess this solves all issues.

    Thanks Kyatric for your help too!

    PD: This is the topic from where i took ramones example.


    This is the latest Capx with all three control schemes working fine together:

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/23uof75u5u2y7 ... .capx?dl=0

    Cursor sprite don't align correctly to mouse position but that's outside the scope of this example. I'm looking into this error.

  • Sorry if my problem wasn't clear. Here goes more info:

    If you play a little with the capx demo you will start moving your player while you keep pressing "D". It will follows the mouse cursor but if you release the button the character won't stop. It will go loose.

    If i try to stop the character by setting it's bullet behavior to Speed 0 or disable it then the others movements also won't work. Like the single tap for the player to go to mouse position as in usual rts fashion.

    So basically i don't know how to stop the "On D is down" movement without stoping the ability to move with the other two methods (single tap and double tap).

    Should be easy i guess. I missing something very basic here but i'm out of ideas.


    I didn't touch much the boundaries of the map because i was just showing the inputs methods and how they behave.

    Thanks to show interest helping me out.

  • Hello everyone, here's the problem i face:

    If you have a character who should move like

    On [UP pressed (once and release)] he moves to last mouse position like and rts (or do certain action)

    On [UP pressed twice] he dash to mouse position (or do a different action)

    On [UP held down] he follows the mouse position as long as you keep pressing UP.

    The player should move mainly by holding up a button. But should be able to dash by double tap the same button or move automatically to mouse position if a single tap of this same button is pressed.

    The first two events works fine together, (thanks to some helping people here), but the last one, holding a button to do something it's giving me a headache.

    I can make the three work simultaneusly but if i relase the held button to stop it's action, (pursuing the mouse position in this case), it paralyze the others movement events too.

    So the deal is how to use the same button to do 3 different actions depending if you hold it, press it once or double tap it.

    Specially taking into account that releasing the held button to stop its actions breaks any of the rest inputs types.

    Here is a quick capx with the 3 movement conditions and the held button not stoping the player no matter what i try.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/23uof75u5u2y7 ... .capx?dl=0

    I need help on this. I have no more brain left...

    Thanks in advance and to those that created the template i use here <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink">

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  • Wow! I always set first the angle and then the speed. Never played with direct angles like now so i probably never saw this kind of offset behavior before. I get carried away with a recent bugfix about pixel rounding giving bad offsets by 1 pixel and.. it was my stupidity all along..

    Thanks ramones ! I tested it and worked fine now. I wonder why i didn't tried this simple change myself grrr.

    By the way, if you set "angle(sprite1.x,sprite1.y,Sprite2.x,Sprite2.y)" as the angle and then set the speed it seems to work fine that way. I better correct those errors anyway before they explode on me.

    Thanks again! This "bug" is solved.

  • Problem Description

    _ With Bullet Behavior there's an offset to upward/downward angle movements (90º / -90º).

    Attach a Capx

    _ https://www.dropbox.com/s/fluanpo50qwek ... .capx?dl=0

    Description of Capx

    _Simple Sprite with bullet behavior over a background.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Just press up a couple of times. Change the angle to see how the upwards and downwards angles offsets the sprite.

    Observed Result

    _Press Up and you should see the sprite moving upward with varied offset to the right. But should go stright up.

    Happens with 90º and -90º (also with 270º). But works fine with any horizontal degree like 180º , 360º and 0º.

    Expected Result

    _Angles like 90º, -90º and 270º should move a sprite in stright vertical lines without offsets. (With bullet behavior movements)

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES)
    • FireFox: (YES)
    • Internet Explorer: (YES)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    _Windows 7 x64 SP1 (all updated along with any drivers) _

    Construct 2 Version ID

    _r179 _

    _r178_ (happened in this version too)

  • Yes i read them. I didn't meant to say that the syncing was from peer to host. I was worry about what kind of data can be sent as a signal to move something.

    A key press is one thing but a drawn line maybe was an overkill. But if you say there's no dangerous limitations on client inputs i will make some happy around here.

    I will recheck the third tutorial anyways. This is a project i was not involved and i could mess up what i say to my friends :s

    Thanks Ashley for your time to answer.

  • Hello all! A friend is on fire about this new feature and ask me something that i don't know either.

    Can we sync movement mechanics more complex than simple key presses?

    For example a swipe with starting and ending point (touch or click) but uncertain destination for the object itself?

    Or a limited draw line for a character to move along, like the movement in "Flight Control".

    Those kind of movement can still be synced and send as a normal packet between host and peers?

    I'm worry with the packet sending more than the ability to sync the movement on all peers.

    Hopefully you understood what kind of movements i'm talking about. If not then i will clarify with more examples.


  • Watching this thread from page 1 to 30 I concluded that Scirra should make an official "tutorial + capx + Android PlayStore published-proof-game showing the "best way" to export and publish a game that platform. (The rest of the many other platforms for another day).

    For example using their "Space Blaster" game as the game to export. But optimized for moviles, giving info about important optimizations to target that platform (Android).

    Then you have the same game, one made for desktop and one modified with any optimization needed for you to compare and learn.

    This example should be able to be downloaded from the PlayStore so we can see that "It can be done" right there in our moviles.

    We can then test performance and reliability knowing that every step in the process, from making the game, to the exporting was made as it should.

    If all this is made by Scirra it will give confidence to viewers and customers, much more if the same is made by any other user (I know there's already exporting tutorials made by users).

    I'm not discouraging user-made tutorials about exports, just saying that and official tutorial will do a lot to proof that it can be done and at the same time mitigate any "you made it wrong" criticisms. Then if you try and fail for whatever reason, you have a reliable source to check the process. And you know that the export isn't just plain broken.

    This should be done with all wrappers/exporters to all supported platforms but, at least, one platform should be tackle.

    I read the entire post, found valid points for detractors and defenders of Scirra course. While both sides can be right at the same time I saw that there's already games made with Construct 2 published at Steam, Android PlayStore and Windows phone.

    So I can't believe that exports can't be done. At lest to Android phones and desktop with good enough quality and performance. At the same time some rough edges are undenaiable but, at least to me and seeing games released, are not a brick wall or a reason to say: "It can't be done".

    Testing games released on Android (made with C2) i found that they not only worked fine but also worked fast.

    I tried games made by like "Firewall: Puzzle Shooter" and "Ninja Legacy Lite" in a Samsung S3, a Samsumg Galaxy Y Young and an Android tablet "MD7096" wich is so patetic that can only be released in Argentina (cof.. cof..). Anyway, in those devices, witch only one can be considered fast, all games worked well and fast.

    I showed those to my girlfriend who found nothing to complaint, about speed or suspicious behaviour. She knows nothing about Construct or what the hell i'm doing throwing boxes against circles in a strage program.

    I didn't test the Steam games yet but shouldn't be any major problems on this platform.


    A good tutorial about the process of exporting and publishing to Android (at least) made by Scirra itself, using a well made, no-complaints-sensitive example like Space Blaster as the test subject and this test game downloadable from the Playstore should proof enough, should mitigate fears and will serve as an example to follow and compare.

    Firewall: Puzzle Shooter performed too well in all mentioned crappy hardware mentioned (poor S3) to just say: "We cannot export and publish to Android" and grin about it.

    There's some nasty problems yes. But there's more than just an elusive future that doesn't deliver. I belive that with a good example many fears will dissipate, many known problems will be obvious enough to be carefull until are solved and also many games will find their way to the PlayStore too. Some people made it. You can too.

    Any other not mentioned platform/brand/store will be discused another day.

    Hopefully this can help both sides or at least ease fears... and hopes.

  • That's mostly my concern about that metod. But maybe C2 keeps 1 instance of each object type (with all it's animation) on memory even if there's no instance spawned at run time. Then it would be the same having everything in one object or divided in different object types.

    I like having single-frame static object as one object (trees, rocks, walls, etc). But once i have more complex, dynamic objects i don't know if the burden of referencing each on one object has some real advantage.

    In the same way, i don't know witch method is better on memory and loading times. Then there's differences in how this appears to work if you use, for example, CocoojJS.

    I'm a little in the dark about this and is central once a project start to grow in assets and objects.

    Someone else know more?

  • Below you will see Kyatric's example using one object type "monster" containing every monster type. So it uses "way 2". With an array and clever use of instance control he can spawn many monsters instances, each different in a random fashion.

    Kyatric's Example "myMiniRPG"


    Now, with this example in mind, if i add all animations for all the monsters to this single object. It won't kill performance more than using different object types within a family and then reference each instance with an array or whatever method for each of them?

    What did you people found in your test? One big object or many to spawn different kind of enemies? (just to keep with the example above)

  • Hello All!

    I have a long inching doubt about certain way to deal with objects.

    Basicly there's two views and ways to deal with multiple objects of similar type:

    1) you make a "goblin" object, another "panthom" object, "your char" object and "companion char" object. Then you use instance variables, families, containers and each object deals with it's own animations.

    2) you make one "enemy" object wich contains all the different animations for all your enemies and then you spawn instances of this object with a starting animation frame related to the enemy you want.

    Road 1 feels easier but you end up having many object types too similar and i heard that, for some reason, having many object types even if they are not active as instance slow down the game.

    Road 2 feels better to avoid objects population, a little more counter intuitive in a graphical environment like c2 is buut this is the thing:

    How much can hit an instance (and many instance) of this kind of object vs instance of individual object types? I feel like having 50 enemies in one object type will kill fps.

    But i see this approach being used by many developers and i want to know how well it went against using multiple object types.

    I will try to make a version of one protoype in method 2, using arrays like Kyatric did in one of his examples. But if you can tell me how it was for you it would help me a lot.

    Thanks people!

  • oh oh oh... That's what i liked to hear :D

    I was almost sure that a text object whould be treated in similar ways like a normal sprite. Good to know that the "more easy way" for me is also the right way.

    Thanks to clarify this! Time to go back to the board :D

  • Hello all! I have a quick one this time..

    I always add a text object as a debug panel to show FPS, number of objects, index number, etc. somewhere in my layout.

    I tried using one single text object with many concatenated "&" and "newlines" to show all the info in this single text object witch, of course, becomes pretty big.

    It also start to be a pain in the **** editing this big text object.

    In other project i used many text objects each for every data i need. Then i put them one below the other. But this feels like a waste of resources. While the big single text object also feels like a rendering bottleneck.

    Wich approach is better in terms of performance? As a reference i need more than 12 variables showing in this "debug panel". Some updates at every tick but are the less.

    For now i stick with the big single text object. But this doubt buggers me from day one (let me exaggerate...)

    Thanks in advance for any clarification about this.

    John aka Hillstrom