Heroes4hire's Forum Posts

  • well... its a mess. but working ish

  • i think ive got it.

    its not logical to me. but, its ending after 1 loop. so, i just need the ending of spawning the sprite to calculate the total accumulated values for up down left right.

  • re reading it as turns. not a point based move attack system.

    but still. that will give you "turns" 4 turns.

    just a solution to a posted problem. if you want them all to pathfind, thats a bit more in depth

  • what id do. give each player instant variables. set to the tile they are on at the start of the turn (tilex*(tile width))

    then, when move turn is over. and its battle turn:

    so work out how many tiles they moved by their current positional tile to the saved original tile variables.

    this will count as a direct route.. might not consider obstacles..

    then count this movement score from their action points.

  • on colision. set a variable "hit" to 1.

    then, pick by evaluate. robot.value+robot.hit=1

    pick nearest to robot: robot.x robot.y

    set value to 1.

    that way it will choose the specific robot that is in collision that has a value of 0

    not sure about turning off the "hit" maybe just every tick, robor is not overlapping robot, set hit to 0.

    the text box is set to specifically one robot. it stays 0 until the specific robot collides. it is its value that is shown.

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  • ok. best way to describe it.

    just check up

    now with check right active also

    both are enabled

    but it will just do the first loop. it wont do multiple. THIS is what i mean by how do i do multiple loops,

  • i made it not transparent.. maybe that helps visualise it

  • loop ending isnt the problem. i can just slap on a repeat count like you say.

    this works. it goes through all x. on all lines. (left to right) and expands a sprite over tiles next to each other.

    but thats not the issue. in this image, the tiles are connected. it should all be the same "room"

    im getting close. but, i always hit a dead end. i hate that its so hard to explain.. im more hoping someone has done this before and can save me from this tourture.

    how many tiles right, how many tiles down. make sprite to cover it. this is the "room"

    i have some more ideas. if i get it to work, ill offer it up as an example to the forum..in hopes to save others from this pain

  • is the loop im working with. It freezes, so the loops arent closing.

    just to summarize it. its going through each tile y1-x1-,,,,x30 finding a value thats 4.

    then its checking each tile past that adding 1 to plusrightvalue to work out how many tiles are next to each other.

    then, its adding 1 to axisY to check on the next Y layer the same origional loop at y2-x1,,,,,,,x30

    honestly.. im winging this hard. im not competent in loops, hence my multiple poor descriptions.

    ANY help on multiple loops is deeply appreciated.

    im 4 days in on this. but when its done i can work on pathfinding. battles, and non imp digging jobs

  • slowly working on it.

    sorry its a complicated mess.. i dont get it.. numbs my brain.. hoping someone will see what my aim is

  • BaconSwagg what im creating is a building system like dungeon keeper. press tile to build a room. simples.

    but. i need to know how big a room is. like in dungeon keeper. if a training room is 3x3 it has a rotating spike thing. increasing room efficiency.

    same for hatchery. 3x3, it can spawn chickens.

    same for graveyard. 3x3 has a grave that can store dead bodies in.

    library bookshelf, increasing efficiency.

    i tried deleting sprites: on created, is overlapping sprite, choose instance of sprite where sprite width< sprite width : destroy sprite... does nothing...

    the aim is just to have 1 sprite covering over all the tiles (THAT ARE CONNECTED)

    and.. somehow performs this on another tile with same y and >X... as im ending the loop it wont get there.. setting the search to start from the click i guess.

    i also ideally want to use a tilemap, not a sprite, so i can tell exactly how many tiles are in the room. but, ill work on that later. with some words of wisdom from rojohound.

  • ok. so, i got it to check in a row. and create a sprite at the correct width.

    how do i destroy the other sprites?

    next gotta do y... but, that melts my brain

  • ive tried so many things. i just want to check a tile map for a tile. then check how many are next to it.

    spawn a sprite on the tile. and expand its width to how many are next to it.

    i get close. but then the next stage throws me off.

    i need to check Y going down.

    aim: to make a sprite that covers all tiles that are connected. updating itself as new tiles are added.

    ive had a ton of help, and really refined what it is im trying to do. but at this point. if anyone can make it work. you are a hero

    heres my current attempt. ive removed arrays making it as simple as possible

    sprite is a button that sets the room type to 4 btw

    heres the layout

  • ive got it so is makes a sprite that covers the tiles... but.. its always 1 tile behind..


    no matter what i do fiddeling with the numbers. but. im burn out. time for a break

  • its not in the right place, and its a sprite not a tilemap.... and it doesnt remove the existing sprite but it is working for width