henryScirra's Forum Posts

  • HI

    follows info from this website.

    This helped me with old games that I had made.


  • hi

    I too would like to get TTS working in my spelling game.

    I found this plugin "cordova-plugin-tts" in the cocoon.io in the plugin section of your project within the project setting options.

    I think requires the "Cordova TextToSpeech: text to speech" from the Construct2 Cordova Plugins.

    Have a look at this link


    hope this helps

  • Hi

    Here is my progress at merging a spelling app using the machines of look, cover, spell and check embedded into a Lumberjack app. My intention was to make a more engaging and fun education game that you want to play.

    Side note: I to love to play and paying for good mobile apps to enjoy when travelling to working, in a queue or just walking, but I always fill guilty that I could be using my time more prodactivly to gain a new skill or to ahead.

    This is my attempt at producing a fun education experience to help improve my spelling skills.

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/other-gam ... gbee-12934

  • hi all

    I am looking for some feedback on my game loop.

    What do people think of my take on timberman app. I am using this game type as a front face to my spelling engine.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/787 ... timber.jpg

    link to spelling engine that will be driving the game

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/other-gam ... ainer-8178

  • Hi

    Question: Is ok to just use parts of code from Punch Box?

    I got the cheaper punch box to save time in creating the code by following a youtube tutorial.

    I am planning on using parts of the code in my own project and replacing all graphs and sounds with my own.

    I will be giving you credit for some of the code.

    Many thanks

  • HI

    It clear that you have spent a lot time in the creation of the game.

    I loved the level select and good level design, but I want all my three life on start of the game.

    It was also useful to have touch and pc controls, that was nice.


  • Nice Mpateker

    I really like the concept.

    would you be using Intel XDK or cocoon.io to publish your game

  • Thanks Savvy001 for words of encouragement.

    Finishing the app is taking long than expected as I fight with XDK and cocoon.io.

  • Topic: My quest to create an exciting, engaging game what would secondly teach you how spell word.

    About my self: I have used many websites, application and mobile app to help me learn practice spelling. I all dive head in at first and get fully involved in progress of learn, but I get bored with the repetition. This is strange as I don't get bored of FirstPersonShooter games where you basically repeat the process of shoot, reload,and repeat.


    Games are fun and (most)applications are work(sometimes fun too). So I set out on a mission to create an engaging game that would also teaches spelling.

    My game/application:

    I believe that I have created an nice application that breaks down words into its core components.

    It has nice and sold mechanics on which a game can be built.

    Question the community/ Feedback:

    Q1) What do people think and how can I improve it and turn it into a game?

    Game Link:

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/other-gam ... ainer-8178

    Thanks you

    for taking the time to read this post.

  • HI Sethmaster

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I did use audacity to convert the original .ogg files to a wav files and imported them, but for some reason C2 could only create M4a file from wav files created in audacity.

    I am testing different wav file export settings to find one that C2 would like.

    By the way your game looks awesome, maybe someday i will be good as you.

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  • hi all

    I got this message after I had to import separate music file for m4a and ogg format. The files are there but construct 2(C2) is not recognising them.

    Background :

    I had purchased audio effect files that where formated in ogg and using audacity i resaved them as wave file to import to C2. C2 could covert the new created wave files into ogg formats, so I imported separate m4a and ogg files.

    I believe that this is the cause of the issue.

    Do anyone have any advise on how to covert ogg audio into wave files that c2 will import and successfully covert them to m4a and ogg formats?

    Many thanks

  • Hi

    also take a look at this

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/puzzle-ga ... b-v10-4713

  • Hi,

    I used arrays too for may spelling.

    In short. I have button with text, array current word to spell, counter(add 1 if button press was the correct letter)

    -click/touch get button text and compare with array at(counter)

    It is more of an engine for breaking apart words.

    https://www.scirra.com/arcade/other-gam ... ainer-8178

    Good luck

  • HI

    Sorry to say,

    I could find your app on the arcade or google play.

    Please provide web links


  • Nice

    Good word on finishing your first game

    I found the game easier when three bars of heals (what you start with)

    The dooms get destroyed if they hit bars from the top or side, so the game is easier with three bars.

    (I take back the above, just saw the the original game being played on youtube)

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    you got any plans on recreating how the booms get destroyed when you loose a life.

    you could just have an invisible bar that move from the bottom to the top and destroying the booms.