hellwalker's Forum Posts

  • Ok, what I want to find out is, does it actually optimize anything.

    what I want to do is, build the level normally and when it's ready to be published.

    I want to replace all the graphics added in game with invisible one pixel[or original size transparent if this will sabotage placement] image, then create event sheet that will load graphics to sprites using load frame function. I mean to do this for static imagery.

    the obvious advantages I see are:

    Less overall size of the game, [if you have all your graphics as external .jpg or .dds], easier to download and digitally distribute. [size loss should be huge the way I see it, as .cap files grow pretty big with its uncompressed .png sprites]

    Less size of .exe file, if that Actually gives any ram or speed boost.

    The disadvantages:

    Your graphic files are open to public, especially if you use .jpg

    Will be hard to make any changes to level after this

    more tedious repetitive work to do

    there are probably more to both lists but thats what I want to find out.

    What differences are there for pre loaded spire and load frame function loaded graphics? any collision or layout loading time problems? any other disadvatages?

    thx in advance

  • I'm still laughing about Sony Conference, their wiimo... New motion controller looked like a *** toy

    I liked AC2, Dante's Inferno, Kotor, Brutal Metal [it's from Grim Fandango Author!], I was disappointed that they never showed Beyond Good and Evil 2. That was the sole reason I watched Ubi conference at 4AM.

    and boy it was one sucky press conference

  • voted

    although I was tempted to vote for scumm too.

  • you should add else as new event, not new condition.

    <img src="http://img268.imageshack.us/img268/8359/aaaaaaaaayja.jpg">

    notice the gap in first event? thats how it should look like

    alternatively you could just check if your variable is "Less or equal" to 1 and play the sound there.

  • [quote:1khzfdqi]Compression algorithms like .jpg or .png only apply to the size of the file on disk. Once they're in memory, regardless of if they are .jpg, .png, .gif, whatever, they all take up the same amount of space.

    didn't know that


    But like deadeye said, it is the way it is and you just have to work around it.

    kind of strange though, I thought 2D games would require thousand times less resources than 3D games.

    hmm heres one more question I wanted to ask.

    Instance's of sprite vs new sprite. is there big difference perfomancewise? I mean will image load twice in Vram both ways?

    can you suggest any good articles about 2D game optimization, I read article on construct wiki, but I want to Learn how it all works in more detail.

    thx for replies!

  • I made some research on the forums, and the way I understood it. Sprite is kind of uncompressed PNG that "grabs screenshot" of the image you are loading. So the original compression does not apply.

    Is there some specific reason for this ? I imported 100kb jpg and It turned into 4mb in construct. This just seems a wasted of resources to me then again I'm new to construct and might be missing something.

    it would be useful to have option to import optimized small sprites that stay same way in construct. if its possible.

    100kb to 4mb thats like 40x bigger image?

  • THX!

    targeting system looks like just what I'm looking for, I can use this on family right? Enemies Family so it can cycle through many sprites instead of instances of one. I'll try this out, perfect chance to experiment with families never used them before.

    [quote:29lggx9n]Yes. And you would do that pretty much how you said... make a gui sprite with some button sprites and hide them until you click on something. Have groups or sub-events that populate the correct buttons based on what kind of object you clicked. Just go ahead an give it a shot, and if you're having trouble with a specific part then go ahead and ask for help

    I'll try, I guess it's mouse behavior on Gui sprite, image points for button spawn points, and system that will store and show the possible buttons for objects, looks like some busy eventing

  • .

    I remember when I helped you with your animation your character didn't really change height that much when crouching anyway. Looking at the .cap again I see that standing height is 28px and crouching height is 25px. That's not a very significant change.Are you sure you even need crouching? Is your character really going to be able to duck bullets by only moving down 5px? Are there going to be obstacles that are only 5px lower than other obstacles? It seems to me that with that particular character design it's not really necessary or practical from a gameplay perspective to even have crouching. Just saying.

    I'm not thread starter,

    I just liked the technique and wanted to know if it would work on crouching/height changing character.

  • I'm experimenting with controls and I have some questions.

    Can I do something like this in construct.

    in a platformer Game Say when you hit Q selection to cycle through all enemies. so they become highlighted and act as spell targets. basically cycle "target lock" through enemies currently in view.

    if its possible what hints can you give as to what is best way to accomplish this?

    the only one I have ATM, is to zigzag small sprite on screen and stop it on first enemy it collides with. but I don't know how to get ID of sprite it collided with

    Second question is Can I make context sensitive Radial menu ? I mean when you click on something radial menu will appear, and its buttons will change depending on what you clicked.

    third is general question about targeting in platformer's, are there any games that successfully use it? and what is name of that game or what technique they use?

    thx in advance

    EDIT: should I have opened this topic in General construct forum ?

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  • Yep, Davio's right. Setting up your character in segments would be the easiest way of getting a full range of motions. Alspal and I are doing this in a little side project we're working on now:

    <img src="http://i40.tinypic.com/jgmruv.png">

    Art by Alspal

    The legs and head are separate from the torso and arms. That way for the head/legs there only has to be one standing animation, one running animation, one jumping animation, etc. And for the torso/arms there only has to be one pistol shooting animation, one grenade animation, one rifle recoil animation, one weapon-switching animation, etc.

    That way you can mix and match the two parts into any action you want and you don't have to worry about making frames for every possible scenario. You can shoot or throw a grenade at any time while running or jumping, it doesn't matter... and it all matches pretty seamlessly. It might seem like more work to set up that way, but it's really not in the long run. It just takes a little planning, and it will save you a ton of sprites.

    hmm, how did you do say crouching? or any part where player changes height? you move head sprite down?

  • no no, thats me messing around it.

    I added second M&K, first one is checked as global. look at the title events sheet.

    events there use global M&K object from layout "level" and it does not work.

    its interesting how Delaney solved this problem.

  • http://rapidshare.com/files/247080435/bird2.cap.html

    I Think, but it was saved as tmp for some reasons and maybe I messed with it some, damn autosaves

    anyway try using first mouseandkeyboard object in second layout.

  • you use Keyboardandmouse object from previous layout in this one

    add Keyboardandmouse in layout 2, then change title events so they check input from new K&M object.

    but I think this is some kind of bug, checking global on object should make it available in all layouts as I understand.

    Adding new mouse and keyboard object fixes the problem though.


  • I don't know how to fix that, but you will probably find graphics easier and more comfortable to draw in some external application. There are some good free photoshop alternatives.

    Fake EDIT: increasing hardiness and thickness seems to take care of that problem. I used 2000 in both, but some smaller value should work...

  • He doesn't really mean a minimap, he means a scaled-down navigation window. For the layout editor.


    [quote:3c4k3p4l]As for the direction, I don't really get what you mean. But if you explore sprite properties (select the sprite with bullet behavior, the properties are on the left tab, scroll way down), you'll see a few animation options - no rotation, auto mirror etc.

    by default, when you apply bullet behavior it moves object left to right -----> at the speed specified

    I want ability to start with bullet going right to left <------- or up and down.

    so that natural angle of sprite and default bullet direction match