Minimap for layout and Direction for bullet

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Rotate & Animation for 16 Direction & Mouse Direction
  • hi,

    these are the things I think would be useful additions to construct,

    first ability to choose initial direction for bullet behavior, It should be simple to add from what I understand, this would be useful when you are trying to add bullet behavior to sprites in which rotation of sprite matters, say bullet looks like bullet no matter how you rotate it, but when used on say monster that you want fly towards player [from right side of the screen], you might end up with upside down monster if you use set angle or rotate on sprite. this can be fixed by adjusting sprite so that when rotated it looks right or some other fixes, but it would be useful to have this ability built in behavior.

    Second is minimap of layout, just like in RTS games

    I had to work on very big layout, and zooming out and then scrolling is pain in the **** Minimap would be helpful, this is probably harder to make, maybe it can be added in future versions.

    oh and the ability to create our own subfolders in new events folder in construct 0.99, useful for managing larger projects I think. subfolders in other stuff would also help, like in object window, you could then group sprites together or mission 1 resources together etc.

  • Pssst... there is Minimap object. Alternatively, once you know the ropes of Construct, you can make your own minimap with Canvas object.

    As for the direction, I don't really get what you mean. But if you explore sprite properties (select the sprite with bullet behavior, the properties are on the left tab, scroll way down), you'll see a few animation options - no rotation, auto mirror etc.

  • He doesn't really mean a minimap, he means a scaled-down navigation window. For the layout editor.

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  • He doesn't really mean a minimap, he means a scaled-down navigation window. For the layout editor.


    [quote:3c4k3p4l]As for the direction, I don't really get what you mean. But if you explore sprite properties (select the sprite with bullet behavior, the properties are on the left tab, scroll way down), you'll see a few animation options - no rotation, auto mirror etc.

    by default, when you apply bullet behavior it moves object left to right -----> at the speed specified

    I want ability to start with bullet going right to left <------- or up and down.

    so that natural angle of sprite and default bullet direction match

  • When you "spawn" an object the object takes on the parent's angle. When you "create" an object it uses the default angle specified by the user in preferences.

  • by default, when you apply bullet behavior it moves object left to right -----> at the speed specified

    I want ability to start with bullet going right to left <------- or up and down.

    so that natural angle of sprite and default bullet direction match

    The "natural angle" is 0 degrees, so it's probably best to design all of your objects facing 0 degrees. (All of your objects that can turn around and move in different directions, that is.)

    If you want the object to face a different direction when the game starts running, use the "Set angle" action in a "Start of layout" event.

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