Headbang Games's Forum Posts

  • Update:

    I tried removing all audio, event sheets and layouts, still not importing, that's when I realized something fishy is going on.

    I tried importing 3 C2 projects that I already converted to C3 again, and they get stuck too.

    I tried importing C2 sample projects, also getting stuck!

    I'm trying on 2 different computers, I tried NWjs 46.4.0 and 47.1.0.

    Can I somehow test back betas/stable versions to see when it broke?

  • I previously imported a few of my old projects from C2 to C3 with much work, but no problems, they were all relatively small projects, 60mb tops.

    I'm trying to move my biggest project now (200mb), I removed everything that is not supported and I'm not getting an error message anymore when trying to import, but the import is getting stuck on 0% or sometimes 0.1%, I get no errors, see no progress, nothing in the console log.

    Ashley what can cause this issue?

  • It's not gone, it was changed, previously you had to choose a directory before the export.

    Now, after you export you'll get a link to download a zip file and it will be kept in your exports manager.

  • Hi,

    I got 8 years of experience with C2 and C3.

    I've made hundreds of games, both for my studio and as a freelancer.

    You can read more about me here:


  • Since NWjs 0.47.0 (tested on the latest 0.47.1 too) there is a bug with all progress dialog windows (opening/saving/exporting, etc), from what I can see they are getting invalid translate values, how should I report something like this?

    Should I send them the package.json of C3, is that ok?

    Can I simulate those windows in a project and send them an export of that?


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  • stage=1 is true and stay true every tick, so it keeps sending it every tick.

    Add a "trigger once" ccondition.

  • Ashley, this is not a bug, but a question.

    To be able to capture video with nvidia builtin recorder I need to add --in-process-gpu to the package.json, I always had to for exports, now I also need to for previews from the editor.

    Is there a problem having this flag running, can it cause any issues with the editor?

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  • Hi,

    I got 8 years of experience with C2 and C3.

    I've made hundreds of games, both for my studio and as a freelancer.

    You can read more about me here:


  • Hi,

    I got 8 years of experience with C2 and C3.

    I've made hundreds of games, both for my studio and as a freelancer.

    You can read more about me here:


  • You can check the angleOfMotion expression then assign the right animation, in 45 degrees intervals.

  • Hi,

    I got 8 years of experience with C2 and C3.

    I've made hundreds of games, both for my studio and as a freelancer.

    You can read more about me here:


  • Yes, the same way you would redefine keyboard mapping.

    I usually have a setting.json as a dictionary with keys like k_jump / j_jump for each button with the index as value and I read that straight into my control events (on key index).

  • the link is fine now... must have been down or something.

    I would note maybe in your doc that when ResHack changes the icon you don't see the change until...actually I'm not sure, maybe reboot or you copy the file over? Normal F5 Refresh doesn't work. And it will not show the changed icon when it in fact HAS been changed.

    Yeah that's windows caching, if you rename the file or copy it to another directory, you'll see the new icon.

  • Ashely Oh and I believe what jobel meant is that having chrome running while working on the NWjs version of C3 impact the performance, for me I don't see much affect on the editor, but previewing (popup window) is very slow and choppy if chrome is also running.

  • Ashley I can confirm that I has many issues with large event sheets when I imported my C2 project, I had to split some of them because it was unbearably slow.

    I haven't opened it in like 3 months, so I decided to give it a go and see something changed.

    The good news is it seems to work faster, though still a bit slow with collapsing events with many sub-events.

    But I did encountered a few bugs on the way.

    1. When I tried to open the project I got a message that I'm missing the greenworks plugin, which I didn't remove. Don't know what happened to it, but I reinstalled it and that's that.

    2. When I tried opening my project (local folder project) it got stuck on the loading screen (no percentage counting showed at any point, just the text "opening") and it never stops.

    I tried to switch to the stable branch (I'm working with the NWjs version, 0.46.3 with the new package.json), but there's no open local folder in the stable branch, only open local file... ?

    So I packed it into a zip and renamed it, and it opened just fine on both the stable and beta branches.

    I tried re-saving the project in a new directory and open it up, still not working...

    Also when I try to open a .c3proj file straight from windows, I get a message that C3 can't open that file and can only open single local files, but I'm pretty sure it worked before.