Headbang Games's Forum Posts

  • I see, thanks for the info!

  • I'm not necessarily talking about predefined animation, say you want an object to rotate with physics or a bullet, even sine angle, if you want to have variations you are very limited with pre-rendered animations.

    Also what about layers rotation for camera control, would it look better than what we get now?

  • I don't really know or understand how canvas drawing works, anyone out there with the knowledge?

    Is this method something worth looking into, can it be implemented in C3, how much overhead should be expected from something like this?


  • Can I somehow make C3 NW.js version run in the background more efficiently?

    If i'm exporting for example and the window is not active the process will not advance until I return to C3.

    What's more bugging is if I preview in full-screen or a maximized window and then preview again without closing the previous preview, windows will switch to the game window before the loading action is completed and it will take a few extra seconds for the preview window to update, if I alt+tab back to C3 right after pressing the preview button, the loading completes in an instance and the preview updates on the spot, just like when working with a non maximized window.

  • Hi please contact me if the position is still available.

    I work with C2 and C3, I have my own games published on Steam and Google play and I made over 100 mini games for clients.



  • Hi please contact me if the position is still available.

    I work with C2 and C3, I have my own games published on Steam and Google play and I made over 100 mini games for clients.



  • Hi everyone,

    My f2p hyper casual timing puzzle game made in C3 has officially released on Google Play, check it out!


    P.S. No micro transactions.

  • Maybe an over-ride flag on a sprite object to manually attach it to a layout.

    Most of the images went into the right sheets, it's just a matter of 2-3 images that get on the wrong sheet.

  • Maybe an over-ride flag on a sprite object to manually attach it to a layout.

    Most of the images went into the right sheets, it's just a matter of 2-3 images that get on the wrong sheet.

  • Making a sample project with just these object will probably change how the sprite sheets are created.

    Here are all the refrences to this object, it is used in all the castles and the main game layout and also in the challenges layout, they are not created dynamically anywhere.

  • In this is the other way around, because they are already on the layout they get on the sprite, but the wrong one.

    What about giving us the option to select on which sprite sheet it will fit and we'll decide what is important where?

  • I have this challenge selection screen with high res icons.

    I'm using one of the game's background objects for the background decoration of this screen (the mountain).

    I don't use any of the icons during the game itself.

    This is one example, I have like 3 large filled sheets with just one small object I really use in gameplay.

    I'm sure that's not efficient for the game.

    Other then removing that mountain from the challenges screen and creating it in run-time (which in turns cause legs in image loading), which if I understand right suppose to remove it from this sheet, is there another way I can handle this kind of cases?


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  • Ok, this is surely a bug..

    I noticed that I was passing the numbers as strings to begin with, like so "3".

    So I changed it into numbers and I didn't get an error message when I tried to convert, but it didn't convert it either.

    Using the find references to function returns nothing, and with a text search I see that the new function event was created one line below the old one, but that line of code is not appearing on the event sheet.

  • I converted most of my old functions into the new builtin function.

    I have a few function which are sending param 0 as a string and param 1 as a number.

    The auto conversation doesn't allow me to convert this function.

    I tried adding str() on those number, since I only use it as a text anyways. but it didn't help.

    Is there a work around to make the conversion work, or do I need to do it manually?

    Is there a limit to having param 0 as a string and param 1 as a number?

    I also noticed that functions are global now, you can call them from any eventsheet even if they are not attached, is this by design or a bug?


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