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  • Ok, I see, so is there a way to move an object 1 px at a time when grid is on?

    New features are great, but I don't expect them to come over old useful ones.

    Maybe if you hold down control or with wasd, I don't mind hold extra buttons or getting used to new shortcuts, but the actual action was and still is very useful.

  • I really thought using C3 would be like C2 only better and with more options.

    But it seems that a lot of simple little important things are missing or were changed in a way that makes it more tedious to use.

    For example, why is the grid control is now only visible on the layout properties?

    I use different sizes of grid for aligning different sizes of objects, I turn it off and on fairly frequently, especially now that keyboard movement of objects is grid aligned and not px by px.

    Sometimes I even adjust or try different grids based on an object I'm moving, so trying 2-3 different grids for an object is nightmare now, way too many extra clicks.

    Another thing I noticed, if I search for something, then I click on one of the results and edit the event, once I close the event edit window the focus goes back to the search window and not staying on the eventsheet, so I cant to use keyboard shortcuts to move up/down to the next/previous action, if the user select to focus the eventsheet, the focus should remain there.

    I wish Scirra would focus more on making the UX as tight as possible, or at least as convenient as it used to be, rather than adding new features.

  • In C2 if I choose an object while viewing an eventsheet then change the size or any other property it would change it to all the instances in all the layouts.

    In C3 all the object properties are not showing when an eventsheet is viewed.

    I'm replacing all my assets with higher res one so I need to scale everything down after importing the new images, going through hundreds of layouts and doing it manually will take days.

    Ashley is there any way around it in C3?

  • So another thing bugs me...

    I used to do fine pixel tuning with the keyboard arrows, now in C3 it moves them along the grid, is there a way to move an object just one pixel with the keyboard, without reducing the grid size to 1x1?

  • In C2 sprite objects had an arrow pointing towards the image 0 angle above the origin point, it really helps when rotating objects in the editor.

    I looked through all the options in C3 and I couldn't find an option to turn it on, I know a lot of the stuff got moved around and it took me some time to find some of it, god the search bar, where is my precious search bar :)

    Anyways, anyone know if there's a switch to turn it on anywhere or did it not make it to C3?

  • Oh I see, I guess it's because I imported the project from C2.

    I'll just import the original wavs again, thanks for the quick response :)

  • When I'm using admob on C2, I use the non-overlapping option to show my banner on the top of the screen (so the game window size get smaller).

    Is there a way to use the advert plugin to show the ads outside the game's canvas in C3?

    If not, is there a way to get the banner height after it is loaded or shown to adjust the UI position?

  • Hi everyone,

    I noticed that exporting to cordova (Android) on C3 also exports .m4a files, on C2 it used to export only .ogg files.

    Is there a reason for this, do I need those m4a files, can I exclude them from the export?

  • Yeah I thought about it too, but I guess if it was that easy they would have update it a long time ago. V211 is pretty ancient and not supported anymore.

    My guess is it will cause some problem, the question is what and where.

  • I recently made a tutorial for it, check it out


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    While the game is still in beta, it is pretty much done and thoroughly tested, but we would love to hear your feedback and thoughts!

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    Castle levels

    Three enormous predesigned castles packed with unique challenges and more coins.

    The castle levels are played in a metroidvania style, you will need to get those upgrades to get through the castles.

    But don't worry there are plenty of check points around the castles, so if you're stuck you won't need to start over.

    Procedural level generation

    40 procedurally generated mission levels created from 90 unique predesigned sections with some randomness.

    5 Challenges

    Challenges are also procedurally generated, they are a good way to get more coins and also a fun change of game pacing.

    All challenges are based on endless runs and can run much longer than a mission level, test your endurance!

    Challenges include:

    Free Run - Unlocks on level 5 - Run as far as you can!

    Wind Surfing - Unlocks on level 10 - The wind will push from blow relentlessly, how far will you surf?

    Super Square - Unlocks on level 15 - Fly and shoot your way through a battle field in the skies.

    Jet Ride - Unlocks on level 25 - The level will be generated from just jetpack sections, in this challenges you will be playing sections that unlocks in levels 30-40 before you beat them, a good way to practice your jetpack skills.

    Cat Run - Unlocks on level 30 - You get 7 lives in this run, use them well!

    Upgrades Store

    15 Upgrades, special abilities and items for your character.

    Store items are bought with game currency, no real money is required.

    Buy your upgrades wisely, if you can't make a jump, you might want to upgrade your jump, or maybe more speed will help.

    If your mission is to collect coins or to find map pieces, upgrading them will help you get through.


    Earn up to 40 achievements for completing extra tasks and get lots of bonus coins.

    Note: most achievement tasks can be earned only when playing missions levels and challenges.

    Daily Prizes

    Get a prize everyday, more coins, shields and even extra revives, but don't break the daily cycle or the count will reset.

  • Great, good to know :)

    This can be closed.

  • If I'm checking for a key existence in an OR block, sub events that checking if the key is nonexistent does not trigger.

    The OR block is checking a certain value condition and if a key exist.

    When the OR is verified by the condition check (key does not exist) a sub event that is checking if the key does not exist, which should return true, does not trigger.


    270, crashed while closing tilemap image editor.