Headbang Games's Forum Posts

  • About 3 months ago I started making art, soon enough it turned into a game.

    Last week I released the first alpha demo.

    The game is a point and click adventure, the style is pixel art.

    The demo is about 30 game-play and playable through the browser on my website:


    This week I also started a new dev blog, summarizing everything I did so far.

    New posts every Saturday.


    I would love to hear your feedback!

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  • Hey Fireche

    I have plenty of experience with building and decorating levels using tilemaps (using tile-background, 9-patch, sprites and vector where needed).

    For my game Bad Pad I built 160 levels/layouts, the levels/layouts size increases exponentially as you progress.


    For Bad Run Turbo Edition I built 3 big open-world castle levels (total size 83000 x 56000 px)and a procedural run-time level generating system using over 100 predesigned tilemap sections.


    For my latest game I already made around 140 layouts.



    You can read more about my work and contact me here:



  • I'd recommend using a layout effect, as it works within the Construct engine and so Construct can ensure it's handled efficiently and appropriately. For example if you use "low quality" fullscreen mode, a layout effect will process efficiently at low-resolution and then stretch the result up to the display; but with a CSS filter the browser doesn't know anything about how the content got rendered, so all it can do is process the effect on the full-resolution canvas, which is less efficient. Also while I'm not clear of all the details, effects run by Construct are very likely to be GPU-accelerated, but there's a chance some browsers in some cases might drop CSS filters back to software rendering and so exhibit poor performance.

    Thank you for clearing that up Ashley I appreciate it!

    If I only need NWjs exports and I'm using "high quality" fullscreen, are there any other pitfalls I should be aware of?

  • Great! Thank you for checking and verifying!

  • Bumping this again.

    So, I did some google search and found this:


    According to it CSS filters are considered faster to render.

    I did some test with my project and found no issues so far, but I'm not sure if it's fully supported in other platforms.

    Anyone out there with OSX or Linux that can test if it works?

    This is c3p test file that applies the css filters to the body:


  • Are you saving to a c3p file or a folder?

    I noticed that oddly enough saving to a single c3p file is much faster than saving to a folder.

    That was about a couple of years ago, I didn't try using folders again since then though.

  • I hear ya.

    You can try asking in the forum, maybe someone can help you with the conversion. I guess some users already went through the process.

    Since it's just one action and no external scripts or any other complications, it should be a quick task.

    And sure also post it as a suggestion, it seems like a fairly reasonable request and it doesn't cost you anything :)

    Oh and I don't think you should worry about future changes to the video plugin, the playbackrate is a standard html5 media property and I doubt that's going to change.

  • As far as I know and I might be wrong, but scripting only lets you access features that were implement in the original plugin/behavior and even then not all are accessible, Scirra are adding support for more and more access all the time.

    You would need to create a behavior that will expand the video plugin

    Then you can probably add scripting access to it too.

    Honestly I haven't created any C3 plugins or behaviors yet (only C2), so I can't guide you on how to do it.

    This is the behavior I created that adds the playbackrate action in C2:


    I know that there is a plugin convertor, maybe you can check it out.

  • I cant tell exactly what the issue is without seeing the events, but my guess is you have 2 different events

    speed > 0 -> play walk

    then below it somewhere

    speed > 0 & carrying object -> play carry

    in this case both will be true, so it will switch to the walk, then switch to the carry every tick, which will look like it's playing just the first frame.

    If that's the case, you just need to use sub events, like so:

    speed > 0

    (sub)carrying object -> play carry

    else -> play walk

  • Headbang Games I have not had this issue with NWjs, is it for a particular build? win64 win32? I only use win64.

    What build of NWjs are you using, I don't remember when exactly it broke, but for v55 it's necessary.

    This only regards C2, with C3 there are no issues.

  • > Has there been any luck with the fullscreen/ close function?

    > it seems with each update to C3 it breaks further and further.

    > I think i am going mad with these bugs lol

    Still investigating: github.com/nwjs/nw.js/issues/7542


    I have a work around for the close issue, if you want to add it to your list.

    Use the action - Browser -> Execute Javascript

    And run this:

    "var gui = require('nw.gui');

    var win = gui.Window.get();


  • Here is the full list of all the properties:


  • I added it as a behavior once in C2, never tried it on C3 though I don't think there will be an issue with it.

    Basically the video plugin is an html5 video object, so every property should be accessible, even if not mapped by the plugin.

    For speed use this.inst.video.playbackRate

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  • Ashley anything?

  • Memory usage is purely frameCount * frameResolution * rgba

    So to use less memory you got to reduce either the frame count or the resolution.

    It's best to render your image source files at the lowest resolution possible, find that sweat spot between details and size.

    Basically C3 loads images by layout, all object on that layout are loaded into memory (all animations and all frames).

    So if you have animations/frames that you're not using in a specific layout, it will be best to split those into different objects.

    Of course memory usage is also audio files and movie files, you'll need to identify where the bottleneck is.