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  • I meant that you import it into the "files" section of your project, then it's not saved into the sprite-sheet.

    You can set the opacity with css

    opacity: 0;

  • You could probably use the background-image css property, though you would need to import the image as a file (not a sprite) and I'm not sure if you would have access to it when previewing (but certainly after export).

    Alternatively you can change the opacity of the button to 0 and put a normal sprite below it.

  • You are welcome to contact me (email or socials) so we can discuss the details.


  • On second thought, maybe I can put a reference object with tween then read it's values into the layers. That might work.

  • I have a few layouts with different events, here's one example:


    The game itself runs fine, it's just the cut-scene which has some webgl effect that are heavy.

    Also the framerate only drops if I have OBS capturing, otherwise it runs fine.

    It's not a very big drop, but even 11 second instead of 10 for the whole transition wrecks up the syncing to the music.

    I know tween and timelines are good for framerate-independent, but there is no way to apply them to layers, only objects. Unless I'm missing something?

  • Hi everyone.

    I'm doing a cutscene for my game that needs to be perfectly timed with a music track.

    I'm doing layer scrolling, scaling and Z elevation with acceleration (using a custom var for speed).

    Now I noticed that when the fps is low everything moves slower. With DT and even slower without.

    Changing the minimum framerate to 10-20 somewhat helps, but I was wondering if there some other way to get this done.

    I don't have any collision checking and I don't mind if it'll skip frames in lower fps.

    I thought maybe taking the FPS into consideration in my events.

    Do you have any suggestions?

  • Hey Andreas,

    I am interested about this project.

    You are welcome to contact me (email or socials) so we can discuss the details.


    Maybe it's a HD issue. Did you try running defrag and chkdsk?

    Try copying the project to a disk on key (or another HD if you got it) and see if it happens there too.

  • I see, thanks for clearing that up.

    I usually add another index file, but I thought I could skip that :)

  • Hi,

    I have over 10 years of experience with Construct 2+3 and made hundreds of games.

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    Feel free to ask any questions you might have.


  • I'm implementing saved games for my game.

    My saves are saved to local files (nwjs) from the SaveStateJSON expression.

    I want to parse the save file with the json object and read some of the saved data to show info about the save (playing time, progress, etc).

    For example if I want to read the game time from my dictionary I access it like this:


    My question is this, can the ID (198911102155667 in this instance) assigned to types change somehow, by any kind of change to the project? (assuming I'm not deleting the object), or is it safe to reference them by number?

    Ashley Can you shade some light?

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  • Mikey & Grover's Unexpected Adventures is a pixel art point and click adventure.

    You play Mikey, a 12 year old boy who really wants to get his hands on his dream guitar and he is willing to do anything for it.

    Mikey embarks on an adventure, going after local tales of treasures in the lighthouse and takes his best pal Grover along for the ride.

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  • Is there any way to run debug layout in a NWjs window?

    I know I can remote preview but that doesn't show the debug panel.

    I'm trying to catch a bug with the json object that happens only in NWjs. I can print out console logs, but that's very limited compared to having access to the debugger.

    Ashley is it possible?