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  • I will, as last resort, i wanted to see if anyone has encountered these bugs or already reported them before i do.

  • Latest stable 163, but i checked there were no updates regarding pathfinding in 164/165.

  • I recently started porting an old project of mine (adventure point and click made with wintermute at the time) to construct 2.

    My character is made with spriter and i am using the pathfinding behavior to move it around obstacles (cell size 40, border -1).

    I got 2 strange bugs:

    1. When the character switches direction (mirror) there is about 2-3 seconds delay before the path is calculated, if i continue walking in the same direction, no matter how many obstacles or distance i walk, the calculation is almost instantly.

    I tried increasing the cell block size, or cutting down the sprites obstacles to min 4 instances, but nothing helps.

    2. Sometimes when i switch direction while the character is still moving in the other direction, the character does a strange semicircle shaped sine movement.

    Anybody encountered these problems?

    here is the demo:

    https://googledrive.com/host/0B3JLq-yXZ ... d6VllESzQ/

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    Also, edit your first post and check if "Notify me when a reply is posted" is checked.

  • The youlose/youwin sprites were set to invisible in the layout and you didn't change it back to visible when you created them.

    So it worked, you just didn't see them.

  • First add the userMedia plugin to your project.

    Then call: Request speech recognition:

    Language: "en" for english.

    Mode: single phrase

    Result: final

    Now add another event:

    system compare two values

    if UserMedia.FinalTranscript = "up"

    player simulate platform pressing up

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  • Save your score as a global var, you can access them form every layout of the game.

  • That's pretty basic,

    Add an event:

    on A key is down, player simulate platform pressing left.

  • anyone tested this with crosswalk?

  • You can use a text box object, it automatically opens the virtual keyboard for you and you can choose if you want the field to be used for username/password/email input.

  • There is nothing built in that does that, but you can change the image of a tiledBG object using load image from url, just import the files into the files directory in your project and load them by name.

    You can load them into an array and loop it with a wait delay between frames.

  • Instead of using set angle, use physics torque, then it will react to other physics objects in the game.

    To reduce bounciness and reduce/increase turret speed, play around with the turret Angular dumping and the torque magnitude values.

    https://googledrive.com/host/0B3JLq-yXZ ... /Tank.capx

  • R0J0hound

    Here is a little update for your plugin, Export canvas into an animated gif.

    First use action Set Delay between frames.

    Then use action Start Recoring Animation to start a new animation.

    Then use action Add Canvas As Frame (repeat as many times as you want).

    To close the animation use action Export Animated GIF.

    Now you can access the file for download or for saving with the expression canvas.encodedGif


  • TextBox/List/Button and all other Html objects are not rendered inside C2 canvas, they are displayed in the html on top of the canvas.

    So you can't draw anything above them.

  • I usually make a function that reads the data from an array with loopindex-ed position.

    Or you can use the board plugin: