and if i am designing for chrome/android and limit import to ogg files?
Is it possible to play a real-time imported (using FileChooser) audio file in construct 2?
I second that.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Well said
the file reader button is a dom object created on top of c2 canvas, therefor c2 can't communicate with it directly.
I am not sure why this happens, but moving the costumMovement set angle action to when isMoving or as an else on you keysNotDown event solves this problem.
you can also use audio tags, add a "tag" and check in the event if audio "tag" is not playing.
what about exporting and importing from the official scene editor?
looks great!
do you have an eta on the sub-plugin?
check you email inbox.
does it support playing animation?
it works fine in the example i attached.
upload the capx i'll take a look.
You have a condition under the system tab for on mobile device and for specific platforms.
add another var, nextBonus, set it to 200
now check
if points => nextBonus
nextBonus add 200
time add 60
you know you can get an email update whenever theres a new post in this thread, right?