Headbang Games's Forum Posts

  • Really?

    I worked really hard to try and not make it too hard , yet not too easy either.

    What scenes did you find difficult?

    And how many takes did it take you to get pass through them?

  • Level 3 is up on the site, have fun!

  • You can check the player.Y position to determined if he's above or below the enemy, then you preform jump/fallthrough when needed, if you need the enemy to jump from specific points on the path he is walking, you can place a collision sprite in these points and preform the jump on collision and if Y is lower.

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  • Level 2 is now available for play, click the link below to play it!


    This one has a little boss level at the end, the graphics for X ship and cannons are not done yet, so it might look a little off from the rest of the game.

    If you previously played and finished the first level and did not click on start a new game, you can click on continue and go through the new door that will take you straight to level 2.

    There were some minor updates in level 1, plus there are some new graphics, next level will be released on the 21.1.2016, stay tuned!

    Here is another treat for you, I've just received this new promo image from the guys at the studio, it will probably go through some more changes, but I really love how it turned out, kudos to Oray Studios!

  • you can paste all the needed layers into a canvas/paster object and give it low opacity, then maybe move around in random sine.

    you can also use one of the webgl blur/glow effects, but consider not all devices have webgl support.

  • You're welcome

  • add "regenerate pathfinding obstacle map" on start of layout should fix this.

  • Thanks man!

    Yeah, the sound effects and music are temporary, also all particle effects are not done yet (blood, dust, explosions, etc).

    Same goes to UI and menus.

    But we're making good progress!

    I'll be updating the blog in a couple of days with some new graphics we're working on for a promo photo and game logo and possibly some more game assets.

    Here is a small exclusive sneak preview


  • Hi Guys, good news the new demo is up on my site!


    The demo will be the entire first floor, but I am still working on it, so for now you can play the 1st level and I will be releasing more levels with new graphics on a weekly basis.

    Have fun!

  • You can do it with the official browser plugin expressions



  • Out of curiosity what would be the best practice for this, performance wise?

    A. Spawning sprite instances.

    B. Using a shader.

    C. Pasting to the canvas/paster plugin.

    Of course while all the parameters and draw calls are exactly the same.

  • does the layer uses different scale rate/parallax values?

    if so you might want to get the touch x.y by layer name, like this


  • Not sure it will work but what about setting touch x.y to a var when start touching, then while touching calculate the position by distance from the start point to the current touch (inside the canvas)?

  • Looks very good!

    I don't really have the time to play it now, but I added it to my steam wishlist and I'll check it out later, cheers!

  • the (1) represents the layer number, you can alternately write the layer name ("background"), this is more efficient, because if you add more layers later or change the order, it will still effect the "background" layer and not the layer numbered 1.