Havoc's Forum Posts

  • 13 posts
  • Thanks guys! That's a great thing to find out about this program.

  • I'm still in the design phase of a game and I was wondering which direction I should take. I'm making a shooter with 5 to 8 different levels in addition to an introduction animation and a handful of menus. Is it possible to put all the levels inside one massive layout and simply make the camera move from one to the next as desired, or is it wiser to split up the levels into their respective layouts?

    I mainly want to prevent having to recode many separate layouts down the line if I realize I want to change a particular mechanic. Perhaps there's another way I'm not seeing?

    Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!

  • You should look at Metal Storm, a NES game that used the same mechanic. It was an action game more than a puzzler as I understand it, but it might give you some ideas on gameplay elements that come with a reversable gravity.

  • You can alter the family icon by opening the Families folder in the Construct install directory, and editing the associated .bmp file. It might not update until you restart Construct.

    I think most of those bugs in the original post are fixed for the next build, let me know.

    Thanks for the tip, and thanks for the help!

  • I've heard a handful of reports of the system object disappearing, but I've never been able to reproduce it. Can you send the .cap that is doing this to ? Also, are you using families at all?

    I've sent you the .cap. Indeed, I'm using families in this app - could that be related to the problem?

  • Just wanted to add that the 'transparent pixels are replaced with black pixels' bug also happens when drawing a new Family icon. Transparent parts of the icon become black when the icon is saved, and there's no way to go back and alter the icon once its new family is created.

  • Actually, scratch that. I can't transfer the work into a new app, as whenever I try to copy a sprite from one app and paste it into a new one, all art for it vanishes, leaving it invisible.

    Box objects don't seem to be affected.

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  • I just realized that the System group of triggers has vanished from my current project. When I start a new project, it's present, but if I go back to my other application, the triggers available when I create a new event are only the ones for the sprites, boxes and mouse & keyboard. Copying a System trigger (say, Always) from a new app and pasting it into my other project works, but it doesn't bring back the System group when I try to make a new event or condition again.

    I can easily transfer the work into a new app, but I'd like to know if there's a way to bring back the System group nonetheless. Thanks!

  • Shouldn't be too hard... I'll put it on the todo list!


  • Ah, good to know it's not just me. I can wait for Ashley to take care of it, I'm still in the early design phase. Thanks!

  • I've been having some strange problems with the animation editor on my Vista-32 machine and I'd like to know if they're primarily on my end.

    Firstly, the selection tools don't work as intended; when I try to select an area with a tool that draws a box or a similar geometric shape, it invariably selects only a couple of the lowest rows of pixels at the bottom of the image, or ends up selecting no pixels at all and bunching up its selected field along the bottom of the image window. Only the magic wand selection tool works flawlessly, except that when pasting with it, it fills the rest of the image with black instead of transparent.

    Secondly, the pencil and brush tools won't put pixels down unless I drag the mouse. If I simply click in one place, nothing is drawn. I need to start a line for it to make a mark.

    Finally, the line tool can't seem to make single-pixel-width lines. Even when I select 1 or 2 as the width, the line is still a solid 3 pixels wide.

    Has anyone else experienced these problems?

  • Would it be possible to give Construct a feature I'm used to in other applications that let you rotate objects? When rotating an object, a lot of programs will automatically lock the possible angles to multiples of 45 degrees (the quintessential 8 directions) when holding down the shift key while rotating.

    I realize I can achieve the same results by typing in the angle in the sidebar and, but if it's not too difficult to add this feature to Construct, I'm sure it'd help accelerate the work of some of us.


  • Same here. Copying an object to paste an entirely independent copy would be a tremendous help, as I have many different sprites planned for a game that have similar visual qualities with only a few tweaks.

  • 13 posts