Hasuak's Forum Posts

  • PM you for website and footage? I don't think anyone wants to do that. Why not post those on this thread?

  • Looks ballin'! Has a very Rogue Legacy feel especially with those flaming floaty skulls. Graphics are nice and simple to the eye. Still, I'd probably get rid of that slight screen shake when not hitting actual enemies. Otherwise breddy good and looking for more updates!

  • Hmm. I'm using a ton of enemies that are all supposed to repel each other. How can I make this work with more than one UID?

  • Ho, guess I'll post my stuff too.

    Here's my art blog. Mostly 3D sculpts, no game devving stuff: http://hassuart.blogspot.com

    Also a shot from my current beat em up project. Only one enemy visible because I'm having troubles with enemy collision.

  • Is there a way to get object's angle from another? I need this to make a system that could push overlapping objects away from each other. Tried using the "angle" expression, but it can't seem to get coordinates from two of same object. For example my object is called Enemy_Hitbox, so the command would be: angle(Enemy_Hitbox.X, Enemy_Hitbox.Y, Enemy_Hitbox.X, Enemy_Hitbox.Y,)

    Since both of the objects overlap each other, the command gets only one angle and then pushes both of them into same direction and that's not what I want.

  • bump

    This can't be such a hard thing to make. Currently my only problem is that if I use the Solid behavior on the enemies, they can push the player around and that's something I don't want. It glitches out easily if the enemies surround me and push me into a corner.

  • You could just get rid of those booleans and use "if playing animation" checking instead and use a single boolean like "Busy" which activates when player is doing something that restricts movement etc. In my game I just set "Busy = 0" into all controlling events and set it to 1 when attacking, jumping etc. There's also a boolean for jumping so player can still move left and right during the animation. All of this also works well with my rather complex AI system.

  • bump

  • What Lordshiva1948 said. You can always copyright your content, but that still won't stop people from stealing your content. You should probably contact a lawyer about this kind of stuff if it's really worth the hassle. I, personally, take it as a positive thing if someone sees my work and thinks "Hey, this looks good, I'll use it on my project!". At least it says something about my skills.

    Simply put, you shouldn't worry about stuff like that. If the content you are making isn't super professional quality, the possiblities of someone actually stealing it is very, very low.

  • I don't know if I'm doing something wrong, but your example doesn't work. I can't walk through enemies. Pretty odd since the event for disabling collision is there and it should work. At least the not being able to walk through walls part is working, heh.

  • Try to do something like in this tutrorial: https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/398/to ... ntrollers/

    It is for JoyStick, but you can move into any direction.

    You can't seem to post urls yet.

    You could use int(random(360)) degree to move them away

    That's pretty much what I did. Disabled 8-direction, enabled bullet, set randomized angle and reverted the behaviors when the flight animation is over.

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  • I thought about that, but I've done too much stuff on the enemy AI to be ditching the 8-direction behavior now. I'll try disabling the 8-direction and enabling bullet behavior when the enemies fly away and then reverting them.

  • How can I make a sprite that's controlled by 8-directional behavior to move into a specific angle on the screen? Is there some kind of system for this in the behavior or do I need to use another behavior just for this? My enemy objects move normally in eight directions but I'm going to need this for certain actions, such as flying away from an explosion into random directions.

  • What Brashmonkey meant was a single "tiled background" object put over the screen with a looping animation of raindrops done maybe in Photoshop or After Effects. It could be a bit more work to do than using a particle system, but wouldn't require much memory to render.

  • That looks like it should work, but collision checks can't be inverted. I tried the overlapping check and overlapping with offset, but neither of those worked either.

    What a hassle for such a small thing. Why can't we just set collisions between objects seperately if needed?