harrisyu's Forum Posts

  • 7 posts
  • Hi!

    I just found that DragonBones, an open source animation tool, has become more powerful today.

    It has many advance feature like mesh deform animation in other bone animation software.

    Please take a look at it: http://dragonbones.github.io/

    Don't just watch the feature video, it is old...

    Go visit it's github project site: https://github.com/DragonBones/

    Hope someone can make a C2 plugins for it.

    Some extra info:

    It's a part of egret engine now, which is an open source html5 game engine using javascript.

    It can import spine and cocos animation.

    It export json file format and texture atlas.

    Some screenshots:

  • I have the same question too:

    I use spriter for enemy instances too,and the only way to put effect on it is to put effect on the spriter family.

    If there is more than one enemy,I can't not change effect on one,the effect of the spriter family will apply to all instance.

    How can we solve this?

  • Hi rexrainbow

    This plugin works fine.

    But is there a way to do a fade out to black when we skip it?

    seems no object nor layer can overlay video.

  • This is not a BUG:hold shift and press crop,not respect the origin in some images,it means that some frames jump 1 pixel when playing animation.I think this is maybe because some images become odd pixels in width/height and some became even after croping.For example images with 93 pixel height and 94 pixel height have different origin y.

    Some recommands:

    1.using always odd or even in crop (startx,starty),width,height.

    2.calculate the mini area contain every frames before crop,and make every croped frame same size.

    Some feature request:

    1.keyboard shortcut and button for,navigate to previous and next frame.

    2.number editor for hotspot x,y.

    3.Feature to select multiple frames and delete.

  • Thanks!podpathos

    Now I think I understand more about C2.

    BTW,the parent is a platform sprite,so I test it's mirror,and then set it in an sub event,now it works.

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  • How to set spawn Instance's mirror to parent's?

  • I want to ask everyone here:if html5 is very low performence on mobile browser?

    My link is here:


    I test it on iphone 4 ,it's 4fps.

    And 13fps on my andriod tablet.

    Can anyone tell me if I missing something or it's true?

    I don't realize that with this simple layout it's fps is so low....

  • 7 posts