HadesDC's Forum Posts

  • I am running into problems getting an exact same outcome when I run the same version of the same .xcap.

    As an example Here is a simple concept which shows this:

    some event that rotates a simple box sprite by 1 degree every tick.

    wait X seconds then stop the rotation.

    result: the box will be at different degrees of rotation when i run the game each time (usually very close together varying by 1 or 2 degrees and averaging where you would expect it end to at 60fps)

    So my question is if the game should be designed to run at 60fps why is X seconds not showing a rotation result of 60*X degrees every single time?

    I read about delta time and tried to run the game using that. I found that the delta time varies just as much as using X seconds and is not consistent also since delta time varies from tick to tick (averaging out to be 1 second/60). delta time seems especially strange on the first few ticks of the execution of a game which really throws it off.

    So my question is this:

    Can i somehow make events that wait X frames rather than X seconds? and is that how the code should be, essentially making the wait command useless for someone looking to control exact "wait" times which result in the same rotation of a box every time I run the game?

    Why does the wait command exist at all if this is true? (perhaps most games don't care if the box is 1 degree off?)

    Perhaps I have just missed something which will explain all of this to me but if I haven't does Scirra plan on implementing a "Wait X Frames" event condition? I would find this condition very useful in almost every event in every game i am working on and would be glad if it was added.

    As a work around I made a global variable "Rotate120Frames" and add 1 to it every tick. I put the event condition "Every Tick" and "Rotate120Frames<=120" which is basically a "wait 120 frames" event condition. This works and i get the same rotation every time. it seems a bit tedious as i will need a variable for each wait x frames in my game which will add up fast and get messy.

    Anyways thanks for any insight you can offer thank you.

  • I want to start off by saying I absolutely LOVE Construct 2 so far and have put over 500 hours into the free version learning as much as I can and am basically ready to make a purchase for the full license. I am almost certainly going to purchase the license regardless but I do have questions about my future projects.

    I have not use Unity for 2d game creation yet. What do people who have used both think about it vs Construct 2?

    • I ask this because I have run into some issues with Construct 2 (most of which I eventually found a work around making me think all my issues do have a way to make them work how I want using construct 2 and it is just a matter of figuring out how to do it).

    Hypothetically with infinite time and resources can someone make an EXACT replica of games such as "The binding of Isaac Rebirth" or "Super Mario World" using Construct 2?

    • I am less interested in simple app games for mobile and more interested in retro style games like from the super Nintendo era. Construct 2 seems to have more people making games for android and ios as simple game apps.

    Are there any clear limitations of a game developer using Construct 2 compared to a professional programmer who can write the code to do anything he wants?

    • I have a programming background but find it waaaaay too time consuming to write basically my own game engine, especially with so many game making tools in existence such as Construct 2. I do however find certain times while using Construct 2 that I could solve my problem using code, but I find it difficult to get Construct 2 to do exactly what I want (probably just me still learning the syntax). has anyone else run into these issues and have not been able to fix them?

    Any insight on these questions will be wonderful and again I want to stress that I LOVE what your team has done with Construct 2 as I find it much more enjoyable making games with a more visual interface compared to staring at lines of code. Thank you so much for your work and I hope to make a game that will repay you by gaining publicity and selling more copies. Money is always great to get for your work but recognition of a brilliant idea executed perfectly is impressive. So I just want to let you know you have done something great. Bravo!

  • Say I am using a big long event like the following to cycle through a boss phase:

    Event: Do boss cycle is True

    Action: Set Do boss cycle false

    Action: walk left for a bit

    Action: wait 3 seconds

    Action: shoot a fireball

    Action: wait 5 seconds

    Action: shoot lightning

    Action: wait 10 seconds

    Action: Set Do boss cycle True

    Say the boss died around the part where its shooting a fireball. I want to end the event then. Currently it will continue on and play the sound effect (really the only problem since i destroy the actual boss). So you'll be doing your victory dance while your hearing lighting being shot (or more annoying the screen shaking...).

    Any advice?

  • Added a .capx of my players movement box.

    *** It requires a GamePad to play.***

    Still can't figure this one out. any help will be appreciated!

  • Wow Thank you both so much this completely fixed my problem and I learned about containers which i have already used in another problem i was having with destroying the correct corresponding stink cloud when one of my skeletons was destroyed.

    Have a good day!

  • Added an Simplified Example Capx. in the main post. Still cant figure it out searched the forums no idea how to fix it?

    I have a feeling it does have something to do with picking the right ones but I always seem to get all the icicles or all the shadows never the right ones.

    Tried something like:

    Function "check icicle"

    (and)pick icicleshadow where icicleshadow.uid>icicleshadow.uid

    (and) icicleshadow is overlapping icicleshadow

    ------> Destroy icicleshadow

    The idea being to call the function every time a new icicle is spawned, then check if any icicles were overlapping each other and compare all the uid's. If any were (since it was called every time one spawned) it would have to be the one with the highest uid. so pick that one and destroy it.

    long shot and didn't work heh

  • *** .capx Requires a gamepad ***

    .Capx: [attachment=0:1msc99hb][/attachment:1msc99hb]

    -What I am using at the moment. Can't get a "Ice-like" Slippery movement which maintains momentum when turning.

    I am using bullet movement for the majority of my game. There is one ice level but I can't seem to maintain momentum when changing directions.

    I am new to the physics behavior so I spent a while trying that with no luck.... I can imagine some complex way of storing my old angles of motion in a queue and constantly adding them every tick to my new angle of motion but.... I'm sure this is a simple thing that I just overlooked.... since its an extremely common thing in games heh.

    When i'm moving forward I can move like I'm on ice with just normal acceleration. But I turn on a dime in whatever direction my bullet changes its angle of motion towards.

    Any Help would be appreciated. Thx.

  • [attachment=0:2vwo61bm][/attachment:2vwo61bm]

    I have icicles fall from the sky and land randomly on the floor. I want to have an event check if any of the shadows, spawned under the icicles before they fall (showing the player where to not stand), are overlapping, then destroy the shadows and corresponding icicles to those shadows.

    Currently it will kill the correct shadows but the icicles will get destroyed, more than they are suppose to.

    I tried only having the shadows overlapping as the only condition but still if any shadows are overlapping all the icicles get destroyed, not just the icicles that have shadows overlapping.

    Here is my algorithm. What am I doing wrong?



    I think it doesn't get the icicle number right since they are all of the same object and have different id numbers.

    I was hoping for it to check after each shadow spawned and then destroy the objects then before the next shadow spawned but i think it spawns all the shadows and objects then checks for overlap and cant figure out which icicle to kill....

    Any Help will be greatly appreciated thank you. I am still very new to designing games and get lost easy.

  • [attachment=0:3q5pb4h1][/attachment:3q5pb4h1]

    Solved thanks works perfectly. Made my day!

  • I have a bunch of icicles fall from the screen and land in the ground. sometimes they will overlap each other. I am having trouble with a compare statement to check which icicles are "lower on the screen" or have a higher y-value and then bring them to the front of the layer.


    Does this have to do with uid's and iid's? i was reading about this a bit but couldn't figure it out.

    Any help will be appreciated thanks.

  • Hello, I just wanted to share my first ever game I have ever made.


    It is still a work in progress and has hit the 100 event limit of the free version (grrr). I almost certainly will be purchasing a private license because I have had an absolute blast using Construct 2 so far. This took me around 60-70 hours (I am very new to the software and game programming concepts). I started making it about a week ago (almost literally all I have done all week).

    I know the creator/creators of construct 2 browse these forums so I just wanted to say (if you see this) that your software is extremely useful and actually fun to use. You have done an excellent thing for this world.

    I am curious what the limits of the software and html5 are in general. I couldn't find any very well known games that were made using construct 2 during my Google searches. Is it possible to make a game that is essentially EXACTLY like games like "The Binding of Isaac" or "Shovel Knight" using Construct 2? It seems like the majority of people are making simpler games for mobile..... what ever happened to the good old days when the Super NES reigned supreme.

  • Thank you so much! I have literally spent over 30 hours on trying to get this movement correct..... (I am still very new to this stuff so hopefully that's not too pathetic heh). Your updated version is 90% what I want and I can definitely use it to make the movement like I want. Thank you again. I'm going for a movement pattern like "Moldorm" from "Zelda a Link to the Past" if you want to see how the enemy moves.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • I am trying to get the timing right to make a monsters body segments follow its heads path. like a snake but in all directions. I need a way to account for any frame-rate by using dt but I don't really understand how to get it right....


    Can I make these wait commands frame-rate independent?

    The timing needs to be perfect otherwise the whole thing falls apart.

    .capx attached

    Also side note: If I use dt in a "On Start of Layout" event does it not work right? I did some testing with a textbox to see if that was so and it seems to not like taking any dt values on the first tick

  • If you don't understand Ticks or "Frames" do some reading on it because it will save you hours of headache. I just figured this out (Still new to Construct 2 and Game-making in general). This is ESPECIALLY helpful if you are trying to ensure perfect movement of a Sprite or other precise operations that will fail if they are off by a single tick (Which is guaranteed to happen if you use time since frame rate (ticks per second) will vary over the course of gameplay).

    This will make an event trigger every 10 ticks:


    DO NOT try to time these events using seconds or dt (duration of most recent tick in seconds) in the event conditions as they are always changing and different.


    Is There a command to make an event stop at a wait action for 10 ticks and start again? I tried using dt but it almost seems useless since it is not constant. Per tick is the only reliable method i have found so far and its complicated to implement per tick. Does "Wait 10*dt" always everytime start to execute the below again after 10 ticks? or can it be off?

    Thanks Have a Nice Day

  • ooooooooooooooooo just got a brilliant idea. I'll just make them run into that black stick i have on the head that I was just using to see if they were straight and when they touch it set their angle along the sticks angle!

    p.s. tried using the same 60*dt here is a .capx ..... if anyone cares lol.... which shows the movements. they all line up but they aren't lining up on the stick so ill just force them to....