saad Swad —
I don't currently have it for sale. It requires quite a bit of customizing to adequately implement in app purchases securely using this method. I keep it around for the occasional person who would like to contract me out to assist with it. My site isn't completely functional yet, but you can see testimonials from other users here: if you wanted to see some.
Paypal by default secures itself very nicely. ALL of their processing code is performed on their own servers. The general flow is
1: Create a buy button in your Paypal account. It shows you button code when you complete this step(This puts a layer between your Paypal, the developer, and user)
2: Add the button code to your app(My plugin just streamlined this, doesn't actually access your paypal account)
3: Create a database on your own server to save player information and purchase information.
4: Create an IPN callback file. When step 2 is complete, Paypal handles the transaction and then sends the results to the IPN file. So it will return whether the transaction was cancelled, or it will contain information on the transaction. If I recall it contains a success code, number of items purchased, and any other information that you might have requested that it pass along. If I recall it also returns a hashed string that you can then send to Paypal to verify the information that was just sent to the IPN file(This step will help prevent fraudulent transactions).
5: Place code in the IPN file to verify the transaction on paypals server and then save the transaction to the user database on your server.
It's quite the process, but it sort of needs to be in order to be secure for both you and the user.
I do have a few plugins for sale on the Scirra store, although not much at the moment. I also implemented In App purchases on Facebook for someone. You can check it out ... ppcenter=1 It's quite the addictive little game.
Hope that answers some questions and Happy coding,
BUY Now Paypal Button Intro: ... ow_step_1/
IPN Example
h1k3 I don't see the plugin to buy it...