Guyon's Forum Posts

  • With just two keyframed animations, infinite possible intermediate animations are generated, depending on the position of the slider on the bottom right.



  • Here is the best way for a coder to get a graphics person. Make the game with place holder graphics. After you get done, or 3/4 the way though you will have no problem getting help for a quality game.

    Working with place hold er graphics will also make it easier to post caps if you need help

    Also post in a Graphics forum you will get more hits.

  • That is slick.

    I can think of a few practical uses for this too

  • Here is my simple solution.

    You can hold on until you hit space to release

  • Ambrose, he used v 99.84 you can get it here:

    Also I noticed that your ship, asteroid, and bullet have black around it to match the black background of space . The problem is that the extra black can also be hit during the collision. What you need to do is make the background for the sprite a transparent. If you use a paint program set the background for transparent and save it as a .png. If you use the construct paint program just do not color it.

    If you do not understand I can recolor your graphics for you.

    Oh and Welcome to Construct

  • How do we know the "crippled version" isn't the only version?

    Well if you see the Crippled version obviously there is a real version.

    Mr Wolf: FYI A Crippled version is a full working version that has 1 part disabled. For example. A word processor without a save or a print function. So you can make a full test but missing a key component.

  • Chants, "The sky is blue, the grass is green."

    Darn that barking dog!

  • you guys are too fast! LOL

    Here is an example of a Global Variable V.99.84

  • I was hopping this would happen someday.

    Thank you!!!!!

  • On a side note, this is the one thing I dislike most about Construct. I personally find the event system hard to use when you have many of the same object, such as in this instance. You used a family to solve this problem, but why did it work? If I needed to do this myself, I would have ended up doing it the way I told you above, and resulted in a crash. Next, I'd try all kinds of craziness with private variables and whatnot, but some things in Construct just don't seem intuitive to say the least.

    This coming from an old Gamemaker user, so needless to say, I'm used to each object working independently without having to work out which ones will be affected by the global event sheet. Construct is so much better in so many ways, but manipulating individual instances is hard for me to wrap my head around with the event system controlling everything.

    I switched form GM in mid January so slightly a head of the curve from you.

    I found it hard to switch but see the power. And still find GM scripting easier, but can not do so many things in GM that I can do in Construct, so hang in there.

    Try this to understand Families: ... e=Families

    But also look at Containers: ... Containers

    They will make you sprite life easier

    The other important thing that will make you project much easier to handle is using event sheets and including them.

    Oh and start small and grow. You will learn faster that way.

  • That's what I'd thought, but when I do it that way, it doesn't seem to matter. Its just ignores the wait commands and performs the actions immediately, or so it seems. I even tried a ridiculous delay of 5000ms (5 seconds I presume) and the action still happened immediately, so I'm definitely missing something. But thanks all for the help, I'll get it eventually.

    Try this:

    Notihng happens until you press a key (space bar). After 2 seconds the face will happy bounce (using the wait). If you toggle off the wait he will bounce as soon as you hit any key,

  • I see, thanks. At first it didn't work within quotes, but I've must made a subtle typo then.

    Disregard this thread, I'm stupid.

    Veteran bugfinder's are never stupid. They are just so busy with important things that miss something small

  • Under Other, all I have is:




    IK Solver 2 (whatever that is...)




    I tried doing a search for Wait in the add object window and got nothing. I'm using version 0.99.62.

    Is is there a new version out perhaps?

    yes you need to add the object.

    REMEMBER to double click on it and then click in on your layout just like a adding a sprite

    Wait works fine with .99.84

  • ROFL

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I have downloaded it but when I try to open it with construct version 0.99.84 and I run it, appears on my screen a windows xp message where it says that a problem have ocurried and application must be closed.

    so could you upload a .exe file of your particle studio or could you try to fix it?


    Yeah I would rather try and fix your problem, otherwise you will not learn from reading the cap files.

    Fist question. Will construct run on your machine and can you make a simple program.

    Next Question can you DL and use any other cap like Ghost Shooter?