Castlevania Style Platformer

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10 Retro songs ideal for platformers or farming games
  • Under Other, all I have is:




    IK Solver 2 (whatever that is...)




    I tried doing a search for Wait in the add object window and got nothing. I'm using version 0.99.62.

    Is is there a new version out perhaps?

    yes you need to add the object.

    REMEMBER to double click on it and then click in on your layout just like a adding a sprite

    Wait works fine with .99.84

  • I'm afraid I'm not sure how to add an object to the list of objects. Is there a button I'm missing for that? Boy I feel dumb right now lol

  • I think the Wait object wasn't added until .99.82. Which explains why you can't see it because it is not there!!

    If you don't want to update, one option might be to download and install the latest untable build to a separate system and then copy the Wait plugin into your construct directory.

  • ooo, plug-in hijacking, I like it lol

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  • So far so good, I've got all the new plugins I was missing. It'll be fun to have a look and see what they all do. Thanks for the good ideas everyone.

  • I must be using Wait completely wrong because I'm getting the same problems with it, as I was without it. Any basic info on using it properly? Sorry for all the noobing out I'm doing here

  • I must be using Wait completely wrong because I'm getting the same problems with it, as I was without it. Any basic info on using it properly? Sorry for all the noobing out I'm doing here

    When you use a wait object, anything after it in the list, will happen once it's countdown is finished. Any wait objects following other wait objects, have to also include their length of time too, as well as the length of time any actions between them might take.

  • That's what I'd thought, but when I do it that way, it doesn't seem to matter. Its just ignores the wait commands and performs the actions immediately, or so it seems. I even tried a ridiculous delay of 5000ms (5 seconds I presume) and the action still happened immediately, so I'm definitely missing something. But thanks all for the help, I'll get it eventually.

  • That's what I'd thought, but when I do it that way, it doesn't seem to matter. Its just ignores the wait commands and performs the actions immediately, or so it seems. I even tried a ridiculous delay of 5000ms (5 seconds I presume) and the action still happened immediately, so I'm definitely missing something. But thanks all for the help, I'll get it eventually.

    Try this:

    Notihng happens until you press a key (space bar). After 2 seconds the face will happy bounce (using the wait). If you toggle off the wait he will bounce as soon as you hit any key,

  • ok, so I tried a test. Your cap worked perfect, thank you for that. I tried to recreate it from scratch in v0.99.62, and nothing at all, Wait does not work in this version of contruct. It can load the wait object, but after that it seems to ignore anything that references it.

    I successfully recreated the wait test in v0.99.84, and it worked great. So now my problem becomes...when I load the cap I've been working on in v0.99.62 into v0.99.84, there are some behaviour problems. I have physics hinges for tilting platforms, and they just fall apart on layout startup, and I also have push blocks that use the platform behaviour and are controlled by player 10, on layout load, they jump AND run to the right.

    So confusing...

    oh, and it seems the wait object doesn't want to function properly in my event sheet, is it possible it's in conflict with the LOS behaviour I'm using with the object I want to have using Wait?

    Here's my cap, saved for v0.99.84

  • I managed to fix the two problems I was having, though I even notice a difference in the platform behaviour I use as the player. It definitely has a different feel than it did before, so I guess it's just a matter of tweaking numbers to get it feeling smooth again.

    An issue that I'm still curious about, are physics blocks. I've got them loading as immovable, so they block the player. When the player shoots them, they fall and tumble. So that they no longer get in the players way, once they've been shot, their collision mode gets set to none. The only problem with that, is that if they fall into water, they won't obey the water physics, obviously because they have no collision mode. Is there a way to moniter the X and Y components of the physics blocks movement, so that I can have them lose their collision mode when they come to a full stop? Or is there a better way to have them not impede the player after being knocked down, but still be able to obey the water physics?

  • <img src="">

  • Chants, "The sky is blue, the grass is green."

    Darn that barking dog!

  • Wow, am I blind or what...

    So I tried using that function, the problem is, the player has no physics behaviour because it screws up the platform behaviour (unless I'm configuring them wrong, which is absolutely possible) so to block the player while immovable, I have the blocks set to solid. I can't seem to find any way to turn off the solid function during play, so I used the collision mode in place of that. So when I used the disable physics collision with object player, they obey the water physics fine, but they still block the player because they're set to solid, and when they're not solid, they don't block the player. Argh.

  • Man I tried telling you before, physics doesn't mix well with other behaviors . And now I'm sure you can see why. It's all headache and heartbreak.

    One thing that you could try is to make two wall objects. A before-and-after type thing. So when the player hits a wall, the wall is destroyed, but it spawns an identical looking wall object in it's place that will react to physics but won't interfere with the player.

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