My daughter has been sick in the hospital for a year now, and we met a nice family that as a has a child that is mildly Autistic. Since he likes spider-man I thought I could punch out a quck game for him.
Enter PixelRebirth with his memory demo game. WOW this was just what we needed Pixel!
I am making it into a full featured game but have these problems
I can not seem to get my INI form my Rules page to the Game layout. My Best Time and Best Player Variables are reset to zero when I hit the Start Game button
Debug Error:
The game seems to work great, but when I hit the Start Game button (in Debug) I get errors but the game still runs fine. Why the errors?
Instruction Button:
When I toggle the Instruction Button I have to hide and show a lot of things. Can these be put in to a container to make hiding and showing easier in the game?
High Score baord:
I can make a simple high score with the INI but do not have the time since I am at the hospital alot to make a full featured high score with the top 5 lowest times. Does anyone want to pitch for that part? I am sure the boy will love it as it is but I thought that would add an extra element
Thank you!!!!!