Guif0DA's Forum Posts

  • but what is the problem with z sorting? Tiled program already sort it based on your configuration.. The main reason for asking that feature is to make the whole background of the áreas.

    I'm doing an isometric game and adding Sprite per Sprite in the whole layout will first take a lot of unnecessary time and second, will consume a lot of CPU and fps depending on the client machine..

  • Hello

    Any hope for support of isometrical orientation with tilemap object in C2? Currently it only supports orthogonal TMX maps, that kinda limit us who are doing isometric games...

  • JavaScript HTML DOM - Changing CSS

    "document.getElementById('slider').style.backgroundColor = 'red'"[/code:1swi7csp]
    or use array

    the above u mentioned is to change an existing value to another one in the file, it's like a script, not what I'm looking for, as I said what I want is simple, I have a css file and want to apply it to an slider bar

  • You have to apply that css file with a plugin at the begin of the app, this for example:

    thanks for reply, I though this would be supported from native by construct since you have that ID thing in the properties...

  • Hey

    I'm trying to make my .css file exported into my game work as the css style for my sliderbar object... I added an ID to it but when I preview my game, it doesn't change...

    its a simple css file just to test it...

    the ID is slider in the slidebar object
  • Bump

    I feel like this would be a very welcome addition

  • An official position about that topic would be good to let us know if this still on To-do list

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  • Woah didn't know about that post but it just proves that's something people are looking for, this would be a very welcome feature to the pathfinding, reducing a lot the cpu consume or fps drop, specially in the situations I mentioned above

  • Right now when I want to regenerate the obstacle, it checks every cell of the layout, that's a problem when you have a big layout like 5000x5000 and many enemies around you who each of them need to check obstacle every move some1 do..

    I suggest a new action, an addition that instead check every cell for obstacle, check only an area around the object, so there would be 2 actions to renegerate obstacle, one to check the whole layout and another one that you specify the size of cells around the object to check for new obstacles.

  • I think he means the image inside the tile scrolls while the tile stay at the same place, is that it?

  • nice !

  • Hey, I'm making a top down RPG game based on tiles and honestly the process of making the scenarios are taking too much time and there could be some features in C2 that would make that process a lot faster. For example, when I want to add water to the game, I have to add the water itself and then the borders, which is a total of 13 different sprites to make it look good. In map editors like rpgmaker there is a feature that makes the borders automatically and also I know there is a program called Tiled that you can make that same thing too, the problem of Tiled is that it draws everything based on tiles of the same size, you want put 2 trees overlapping each other and you would need to make 2 different layers for each one or you could make different tilesets with different square sizes to make a tile as a whole object, those 'solutions' are not good. the ideal would be a map editor like the one used in open tibia servers, you can draw the whole terrain like in tiled, automatically adding borders and for objects like trees, it adds as a 1 single sprite.

    I could also make a layer in C2 with tilemap that covers only the terrain also but unfortunately the plugin lacks some functions like paint large areas at the same time, borders being added automatically, etc., so the solution would be make the whole terrain in Tiled and then import it in C2... but I would only see the terrain while the ideal at least for me would be make the terrain at the same time I adds objects/details to the scenario..

    What would be good is make a plugin like 9patch that creates sprites with borders around it while you are placing them in the layout.

  • Looking good

    I'm making a game based on loot too

  • Yea by adding OR in the event it made it work correctly but by logic If I'm defining two conditions that need to be true to trigger and only one of them is being true then honestly I think there's a problem don't you?

    edit: nevermind, my logic was really wrong, I was thinking in a wrong way how the things work, I apologize and thanks!

  • If I add OR then the effect will be the same as it is right now with AND, makes no sense, also the logic isn't wrong, I'm adding 2 conditions which need to be triggered and only one is true to activate the actions. the way it working right now is the same as using OR by logic. Also I know that adding ELSE it will work but that's not the case, im just showing a problem here