Grimmy's Forum Posts

  • So just to clarify. The Access control stuff ALSO has to be on the server that I wish to get the image from?

    So its completely out of my control really and I cant just download images from any random URL??

  • Thanks. In the end I tried uploading to the server, but I still get the same issue:


    Error loading resource: TypeError: "NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource." c3runtime.js:157:683


    Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at (Reason: CORS header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' missing).


    I have no idea why because there is a .htaccess file in the root of my directory with:

    Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin '"*"

    -Both my site and the request site are https:

    -I tried both in Firefox AND Chrome I have no clue as to what is happening. I've been trying all day in various ways to get this to work :(

    Any ideas?

    I want to get this working without any additional PHP.



  • Its preview mode..testing on my PC with no servers etc but I'm trying to pull images from >>https://www.someimage.png I'm not sure what applies.

  • I know the help says that my server must have cross domain stuff but it doesnt make sense because when I'm previewing my game I haven't even uploaded it to a server.

    Is it possible to preview without having to build and upload my game to a server? I want to just preview the downloaded images.

    Is this possible, or am I required to upload my project to an online server evertime I want to test it?


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  • Using this latest version of the plugin with C3 the data on the x is always offset by one. So if I try to get data from x1/y1 it gives me data from x2/y1. This is the name if I grab the CSV numerically or using a string of the column name.

    More worrying is that if I return RowCount or Column count the data gets completely lost for some reason and I am forced top load it all in again. This makes no sense.

  • Hi, I'm thinking of having an iframe with 3d content (maybe created with Three.js or something else) but how would I go about communicating events from the iframe to C£. Is this even possible? Would I use Iframe at all or should I somehow write my own JS in C3 to import Three.js libraries etc.

    Any high level answer is welcome as I'm just toying with ideas on how to integrate simple 3d in C3.



  • Would it be possible to create an app in say Three.js and then display it in an iframe in C3. Then is is there an easy way to communicate with the iframe to and from C3?

  • No errors in the log. I also made a build to test it but the whole speech recognition stopped working completely.


  • I have tried returning the contents of NWjs.ClipboardText every frame but it doesn't return anything. Its as if NWjs: Set clipboard text to Text.PlainText doesnt actually do anything. ANy ideas? Here is the code..

    + System: On start of layout

    -> SpeechRecognition: Request speech recognition (language "en", Continuous mode, Interim results)

    + SpeechRecognition: On speech recognition result

    -> Text: Set text to SpeechRecognition.InterimTranscript

    + System: Every tick

    -> NWjs: Set clipboard text to Text.PlainText

    -> ClipboardText: Set text to "Clip="&NWjs.ClipboardText


    Construct 3 version: r171.3

  • Okay. If I'm reading the suggestion correctly, basically it means that if a an object is pinned to another pinned object then it should automatically pin to the root (parent/root object) automatically in engine code.(?)

    Even if that's not the suggestion, that sounds like it would work. It would basically automate the workaround we have to currently do manually .


  • Even though there is an order, the movement lag shouldn't happen. That's still a bug isn't it?

  • Great. I haven't actually got a use case animation that I need to test yet. I was really going to wait until it was production ready before trying it out. Using Spriter is really my only other option but I much prefer to use Spine than Spriter in my workflow.

    What kind of fps are you getting on your device with multiple animated Spine objects? Is there maybe a test capx /apk I could try out on device?


  • Please Mikal continue to work on this!! I beg you! This would be super awesome if it got to a stage where we could use it on mobile without performance issues.

  • Thanks, I just downloaded and tested everything and it seems to work flawlessly without the need to switch back to C2 runtime. I was putting off testing it until there was some kind of confirmation..I didn't realise that testing it would be so quick!

    No issues at all. Happy Days! :)

  • How did I never find that? Great stuff. Thanks!!