Grimmy's Forum Posts

  • Imagine a rocket with a thruster particle effect travelling up the screen (like a 2d top down shooter). As I move the rocket around the effect should be relative to the rocket , but instead the effect is relative to the screen so I see the effect overlapping the rocket as I move it down the screen.

    In Unity there is a local/world space for particles but I cant find anything in C3.

    Anyone know?


  • I have a Tilemap class. I have two instances of it at runtime. At a point in my game I want to change all the tiles in only one instance of the tilemap. How is that possible? Currently there seems only to be the option to refer to the class of the tilemap when setting the tiles (using set tile).

    Is it possible?


  • When I create a new tilemap in the editor there is 'tile width' and 'tile height' in the properties. But how can I access this value in script? (The width or height of each individual tile.)


  • Thanks for your feedback guys. In the end for my purpose I've just added a couple of lines of code on the creation process to manually move into position before the pinning takes place, but I will look at some of the other things you suggest (especially imagepoints which I never heard about).

    Many Thanks for your solutions, and lets hope this aspect of C3 will improve in the future.

    Personally I think if there was just a checkbox next to each object in a container which said 'Maintain Relative Position' and possibly more claririty on parent child relationships (like Unity) this would do.

    I also think that the 'Pin' behavior should have a 'Automatically Pin on Start Of Layout' checkbox so we didn't require separate actions for this all the time.

    Anyway. I will go cast my vote. Thanks

  • I'm trying to create a simple popup which moves into view when a function is called. (A standard game hint for example)

    The object comprises of a background 'panel' and two pieces of text; a title and the text body for the message.

    The panel is a 'container' which contains the text objects and in my layout I have arranged then with the Title at the top and the text centred etc so it looks nice.

    When I run my function to create the object I pin those text objects to the panel background with an event/action.

    However, when I run the game and create the object, both text objects appear in the center of the panel and the layout is lost. It seems that when creating a new object that is a container (using event:On Created) C3 centers every child of that container and ignores the placement that was originally created for the object in the layout view.

    How can I fix this? This method seems quite over complicated and unreliable.


  • Using Windows 10/Chrome it used to be in a folder called /Appdata in Construct 2, but now I cant find it anywhere since switching to construct 3.

    Has it been renamed or hidden somewhere else?


  • This would be super super awesome if it had colour gradients.

  • I understand this, but I would like to know best practices of making the data as safe a possible.

    I still lock my house door when I go out, even though a burglar could easily break in through the window..all fences can be climbed etc etc..

  • Hi, I want my game variables to be safe so that people can't 'easily' change them to make the game easier etc as I'm hoping to offer 'real' prizes in a WebGL game.

    I know that there is always the possibility of hardcore hackers getting in somehow. However, I wanted to know if the project files such as JSON Arrays and Dictionarys are very easy to see for the end user if the game is uploaded to a website or will the user require more than just opening the file.

    I considered putting these vars on my backend but i figure that at some point the game needs to read them from the downloaded Ajax request anyway so isn't it just as easy for a hacker to modify them 'after' they have been downloaded from the server anyway?

    What are the options and peoples thoughts here?


  • Found it. You need to right click files and then add a new dictionary.

    I thought that when I added a dictionary object that the dictionary 'file' would be created automatically, but it seems they are two different things altogether.

    EDIT: Thanks BlackHornet, I replied just as I got your answer. All sorted now!

  • Hi I read that I can access the dictionary editor in the Project window but I'm seeing nothing. Additionally there is nothing obvious in the dictionary object's properties. There doesn't seem to be anywhere to put my key/value pairs. See image..

    How do I find the dictionary editor? Am I going mad?

    Version 94.2 stable Windows 10

    Note: I have the 'personal plan' subscription which should include the dictionary editor.


  • Great. Thanks!

  • Thanks, but presumably this would not effect the tooltip option that C3 has for its own object>properties/tooltip. What you describe just sounds like I'd need to create my own popup code. Is that correct?

  • Hi I have a few issues and concerns. See below.:

    (Version 94.2 Stable) Windows 10

    -I set my default save location to 'Download a copy' but it still saves to dropbox when I hit save. I dont want to save/load to dropbox anymore because my internet is too slow and I want to open my projects instantly.

    -Is there a way to set the download folder to be something different from the normal browser download folder? I'd like my project to be in its own CC3 projects directory somewhere rather than stuffed in a folder folder full of other downloaded garbage which gets regularly deleted.

    -Using 3rd party plugins seems very dangerous. For example, for some reason when I booted C3 and attempted to load a project it said a plugin had not been installed so I could no longer open the project. Luckily I know where to find the plugin but lets just say the author of the plugin deletes it, or maybe I just cant find where I downloaded it from 6 months ago....I'm doomed! I'm wondering why the plugin was deleted in the first place. Because of deleting browser history maybe? Why cant I open a project without the plugin? Cant all references to the plugin just be ignored? At least this way I could continue work.


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  • Is it possible at all, or do I need to write my own tooltip system?