Grimmy's Forum Posts

  • Lets say I have a bunch of instances that get created based on a for loop (eg For each Foo ...create Bar ) which is inside a function.

    ..but I want a little delay of half a second between each; how would I do this?

    Putting waits inside the 'for each' loop (between each iteration) would be my first thought but that just doesn't work.


  • Hi, since I published my last version of my app with construct I'm noticing a lot of crashes appearing on the crash reports. Today I even had a customer send me a video of the game not starting properly on their device.

    On all my test devices the game seems to correctly but obnviously it IS crashing for some. The crashes I see are :

    • android.view.View.populateVirtualStructure
    • [] !!!0000!8fc203f72276cff568aecfb05c6306!5441528417!
    • [] glScissor
    • android.view.View.populateVirtualStructure

    How can I solve this as to me it looks more like an engine issue? Maybe Im wrong?

    I'm not sure exactly which version of construct I used to publish it but it was published around a couple of weeks ago.


  • Is there a more detailed answer than this? I noticed LDTK seems a way ahead of Tiled these days..

    For example;

    Do I still use a tileset or individual sprites?

    How are layers handled?

    How are atlasses handled?

    Should I use javascript or events? There is a js library in ldtk.

    Has anyone written an importer before for c3? Have you actually done this? Is there a step by step guide anywhere?

    If the JSON format is consistent it seems like something the community needs doing once only and so might have already been done..


  • Great Thanks. I got it working but I have no idea how. I'm going to try to implement different noise types then will update more here. Thanks again.

  • I am making a small grid of drawing canvasses. (To test seamless noise)

    I have 2 Drawing canvasses each 200 by 200 pixels sitting pixel perfect next to each other in my layout.

    When I scale my browser window I see a single pixel column gap flickering between them. Why is this?

    I have tried changing the Fullscreen mode and also switching on pixel rounding but I always see the gap at certain resolutions.

    How can I fix this?


  • Thanks very much for this. I got the javascript implementation working in C3, but again, there seems to be no customization options or any way to make the noise seamless afaik :(

  • Hi again, DiegoM I tried simplexnoise2d.js but surprisingly despite its name it seems to be written in typescript. This mean when I bring it into construct I just get a ton of errors.

    I always thought c3 supported typescript but it seems to rename everything to .js and also throw errors.

    I just saw the help on typescript. Seems a lot of effort just to include a library.:(

  • Thanks fedca, yes this was my initial approach but sadly I dont think there is a way to make the advanced Random Seamless.

    Although Im still hoping there is :)

  • Well, after spending quite a bit of time with this I realised FastNoiseLite doesnt do 'seamless' noise ; which is really what Im after.

    So, does anyone know any library I can use to generate seamless noise in construct?

    I saw a few but tried them and they all have very weird setups that I just dont understand how to import and use in construct. I just get errors. For example, one begins like this...

    function Grad(x, y, z, t) {
     this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.t = t;
     Grad.prototype.dot2 = function(x, y) {
     return this.x*x + this.y*y;

    ..which is neither a class of regular function, others have other, even weirder looking setups and I just get errors everytime I try to hook them up.

    I am well aware of using export and import but I cant get anything working.

    Does anyone have any recommendations?


  • Thanks. using...

    import FastNoiseLite from "./fastNoiseLite.js";

    ...instead of...

    import * as FastNoiseLite from "./fastNoiseLite.js";
 a treat.

    Oddly though, if I put the import in the main script it doesn't work, but if I put it in the import for events sheet it does. Is there a reason for that?

    Thanks again

  • OKay. Here is the c3p file.


  • Hi, I am trying to use the FastNoiseLite noise libray but I keep getting the error: FastNoiseLite is not a constructor or FastNoiseLite is not defined.

    In my import for events script I have:

    import * as FastNoiseLite from "./fastNoiseLite.js";

    The fastNoiseLite.js script is in the script folder with the correct case name

    fastNoiseLite.js has purpose 'None Set'

    fastNoiseLite.js has export set eg..

    export default class FastNoiseLite { //...code

    And in my function triggered by a button press I create a new instance with :

    const noise = new FastNoiseLite();

    which is where the error happens.

    ..Any ideas?


  • Thanks! I got it working.

  • Does it matter that this javascript is in the event sheet and not a separate js file?

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  • yes :) but I still get the error