I have a 2d array of data. A grid x and y which is 16 by 16. Each element contains some data ( a string).
I want to remove a single value from the grid and everything after if shift up so there are no spaces. Imagine removing an entry from a list of items, you want everything to shift up and not display empty spaces.
Because this is a 2d grid I would want everything on the same row to the right to shift left and the same for all rows below it with values moving up a row to fill spaces at the right hand side of each row.
I have been trying to figure this out for hours with my 2d grid array but cant seem to do it. Is there no command for the array which splices them like this automatically?
The delete seems to delete an entire axis which is not what I want. Just a single element needs to be removed.
Note: I want the array size to stay the same (16 by 16) all the time. but ones with null/zero values be put at the end.